Mother Dick

No—I'm totally kidding—I hear ya.

White deaths on the show would be good, too.

My wife is the one who's been saying so for several years now. I'm just parroting.

He sure can, can't he?

He distinctly said "to blathe"

this thread is good thread

He had the Tesh forehead

the guard needs assertiveness training. i actually did leave a door open like this once… zombies got in, but someone could have robbed my cousin's apartment blind. (I thought a buddy, walking out after me, would close it. i knew he didn't, but i let it slide and hoped for the best rather than going back and

Perhaps his wound will be intellectual. Think of all the hours of American high school he is missing. How can he ever hope to recover? Signed, A. Teacher

and Rick Grimes with them cute buns

True. If this were the Grammys, and Carol were receiving the Album of the Year award, I might have had to rush the stage and declare Morgan the real winner.

Good call on the Glenn fight. Almost expected a "Scene Missing" placard to appear in two instances with Glenn. The way it was filmed, such a placard would have worked better than what they came up with.

the cameras sure noticed.

or extremely sleepy

and plenty of motivation. Christ, I don't think I could go on…if I lost my child….if I did, the only way I could survive is by throwing myself into meditation and a physical routine….I still feel bad for Morgan losing his son. For some reason, that story worked for me. (I forget about the other characters' pasts

Did they ever have the band Survivor on the television show Survivor? That would kick ass.

I'm dying to see some more white deaths.

that was pretty much the perfect comment!

Did they ever have the band Survivor on the show Survivor?
