
That’s the ending, and I was also a little thrown by it. It’s an informative story, but it doesn’t really have a conclusion. Was she cured? Will she have flare ups? Does she feel better with the lace bras? Has she dated again? I have no idea.

This is a very hard read for me. Full disclosure, I’m an abuse survivor so I may have my own issues all over this, but... It really sounds like they’re painting parents as the victims. The parents are adults.

I was hit with a belt maybe once or twice, but I was older. At two you barely really understand what’s wrong and right and you’re still trying to figure out where the line is. I’m kind of disturbed by her continual justification for her actions. Like I’m not sure why she feels she can be an advocate of any kind. Also,

I was treated as a criminal. I wasn’t given a chance to explain myself. I wasn’t asked: What happened? I was just thrown behind bars. I felt like I was seen as a monster.

“I was shocked and scared and I hit him. The next day he was removed and I was arrested. I was treated as a criminal. I wasn’t given a chance to explain myself.”

Now I’m just freeballing here, but building on what you say: without these safety nets, they are essentially creating an even more dependent class. They are making more clear class divides. Where would folks turn? Their families, if they (your family) want to be supportive; the churches, if you profess to believe in

The cruelty is astonishing. I always knew that the harping against Obamacare and push for repeal was always little more than a cynical ploy to win elections (with the exception of true believers like Rand Paul who truly do believe that the government stepping into ensure that its citizens do not needlessly die is a

For the longest time, I was on tenterhooks as to Mueller’s investigation.

I really miss gawker. It was nice to have a main page where everyone gathered. I was wondering if Jez would have a story on healthcare and what’s going on in St Louis.

Holy shit, Bloom is LIVID! I love that woman so damn much!

Yeah, Rachel Bloom is Jewish, and if there’s one thing I’ve learned from my Jewish friends is that they’re strictly zero tolerance when it comes to anyone or anything even approaching antisemitism. Like, every other minority group seems to have members who are willing to forgive or tolerate or even cape for the

Because even if she’s an ax murderer, she’s still the kid’s mom and the kid will love her in some way no matter what? And if you tell your kid that mom sucks, the kid likely will worry that they 50% suck by being half mom. Kids are little sponges and even if that’s not how you mean it, it’s how they may internalize.

but much worse he talks bad about me to our four year old daughter.

THANK YOU for voicing what I’ve been thinking for months.

I’m still in disbelief that we’re apparently issuing governmental policy via 140 characters on a third-party private service.

I woke up to the AP alert about his “locked and loaded” comment and immediately wanted to crawl back into bed. Someone, anyone, for the love of God, TAKE HIS FUCKING PHONE AWAY!! I would really like to not be lead into a nuclear war because of fucking twitter. Jesus H Christ. These emotional and petulant man babies

John McCain never was a “Maverick”. He’s a corrupt GOP hack who only got labeled as such because he knew how to play the chummy press game better than anyone. He has always been petty and vindictive on a personal level, and there isn’t a core principal he wouldn’t abandon for his own gain.

Walk into any dementia-care area of a nursing home and you can have basically the same conversation. I’m not kidding.

I have been talking about it all morning. It’s irresponsible of her to post that to her millions of young fans who won’t understand it’s not real. Now theres a whole slew of women who think this is achievable and normal and that they are somehow less if they don’t look this at 4 weeks postpartum.

I don’t care for the Kardashians, but her explanation seems totally valid. Yet, people are literally accusing her of going to buy a table to cover it up. Is that Mars colony ready yet????