
That was fucking revolting.

52 weeks. hahahaha! The “best” US employers offer 3 months paid. THat’s like, “holy smokes, i can’t believe your employer offers that! That’s amazing!” kind of maternity plan. Most large employers offer you 3 months unpaid. Most small employers don’t offer you anything.

There won’t be enough Halloween costumes in the world for the likely demand this year.

Seattle may be progressive, but the SPD is your typical right-wing conservative paramilitary organization.

Ehhh, one of my fiance’s friends lives in Seattle and she sent us a pic of a giant mammy float in a parade this weekend. Sadly, liberal and racist aren’t necessarily mutually exclusive.

High school me would just have just said fuck it and chucked the bra. If you thought the straps were distracting wait until you see these G’s sway.

I mean if opium was legal to grow, the chances of you getting elephant tranqs or fentanyl mixed in would likely plummet.

And, with this, those of us with extremely painful chronic conditions will be told yoga? Learn to think our way out of the problem? Just go ahead and kill ourselves because our condition is degenerative and we will never get better and now the thing that slightly takes the edge off has been taken away due to

Worry not, citizens. Jared has been put in charge of dealing with the opiod crisis, so I would basically consider this horrible problem in America solved.

This is like the 80’s when crack flooded the blocks of poor black urban neighborhoods and nobody cared except now its poor white rural areas and nobody cared either, at least were reaching racial equality in not caring about the poor.

We were never sure whether it was confidence or drug use. It was Seattle in the ‘90s, after all.

I am kind of amazed that she was aiming at a niche “just below” the high end luxury jewelers that have been around forever. You lose an earring back, or need a setting tightened, or a watch repair, you can go to those places, and they will fix it, if you bought it there...or if your grandma bought it there. The

Utility diamonds are the best diamonds. DeBeer’s marketing be dammed.

The kind of person who doesn’t mind when “luxurious” is used multiple times in the same ad copy, apparently. Who the hell even thinks “luxurious” should be used to describe jewelry in the first place, anyways? “Luxury diamonds - not like all those utility diamonds available on every corner!”

You know, it’s funny that when Bush was massively unpopular you had to respect the office. When Obama was in office, he was a criminal-Muslim-traitor who wanted to kill grandma. Now that Republicans are back it’s time to start respecting the office again.

I’ve seen this one before, but it was good for another watch today. It never ceases to amaze me how Sen. Pastore started out being really blunt in the conversation and five minutes later he was completely turned around. Mister Rogers didn’t need to win, or score points, all he had to do was use his words in a civil

A tumblr pal of mine posted an amazing gifset over a year ago where there was an American woman talking to an Indian woman about feminism on a news show and the Indian woman mocked her for acting like India’s never heard of womens’ rights when they’ve had more women in government and have actually had a woman lead the

What does that have to do with whether legislators have read the text? Like I said, they should be held responsible for knowing what it does, not for having read the text personally.

It is very, very hard for supporting partners to discuss with their depressed partners the impact the depression is having on the relationship, because you don’t want to make them feel worse, and talking about it with them probably will not make it better. It is also hard for supporting partners to discuss the

Exactly! We need a support piece for partners of depressed people. Because, believe it or not, having your partner wake up, look at you and say, “Where did my life take such a dreadful wrong turn?” isn’t exactly the most reassuring thing in the world.