
I only roll for stats. Point buy is boring and un fun

Ah! I see what you’re saying now! Sorry about that, but I gotcha now. Yes, I believe the order of mention is point buy > preset > rolling. That said, I think it mentions the first two as sort of equal options and then rolling, but I can’t be sure. I haven’t had to look at that part of the book in quite a while.

Every table is different.  No matter how much I lobby for point buy I can’t get my players to stop rolling.  They just want the thrill, apparently.

I agree. Tips exist because servers make like $2.50 an hour. If you are making $8, $9, $10 an hour just handing an order to someone, what’s the tip for? That’s just doing your job.

Agree in principle, with the exception that if you order something annoying/complicated, take too long dithering, have a huge order, etc. contributing a couple bucks to the jar is the right thing to do.

I’m sure this is going to make me “that guy,”  but walking up and ordering at the counter is exactly what you do at a fast food joint and i don’t tip there and i’m not tipping you either, despite your tip jar.   i’m sure it’s my age, since i remember a time before anyone had the nerve to put out a tip jar for this

Can’t get blood from a stone. The court martial can impose loss of pay, but that’s a punitive thing, not meant to repay the property damage. He’s now a private making $20K per year, so if they did 100% it would take like 30 years.  

Murder, sex assaults. Stuff like that. This was property damage. Not that serious.

Yet again, another fucking video that doesn’t answer the fucking question in the headline.

I like your Pink Floyd pick but mine has to be Dogs, Pigs, Sheep.

For whatever it’s worth, we’e just been watching the selection on Hulu. It’s a selection of maybe a dozen episodes each from seasons 35-40. The Elmo-ification is on display, but it doesn’t seem too egregious. Certainly not as bad as the new episodes that have Elmo leading a 2 minute song about/introducing the letter

I have to believe that distractions are “eroding” the executive function of adults too.

It could be that Corgan just may have the most annoying singing voice in rock and/or roll musics.

Actually I think most of the theory behind advertising is that it doesn’t matter whether people enjoy your ad, remember your ad, or any of that. The only thing is them seeing your ad. Repetition of the brand name develops a sense of familiarity, so when you are in a store and choosing between products people usually

It can be a tricky thing to retroactively judge people based on contemporary social attitudes. In this case I think it’s right that the award is being withheld. It may have been the 70s and 80s, but Bushnell’s behaviour would still have been considered sexist. People were just more likely to shrug sexist behaviour off

I agree that this isn’t the year, but we can’t whitewash him out of the history of video games. I know it’s hard to have nuanced discussions about these things, but we can’t really have a society where everyone is judged by the worst thing they have ever done. People are good and bad, people learn, people make

Yes, I’d rather use that then folks. What a horrible word folks is. I will never use folks unless I’m parodying Looney Tunes, “That’s all folks”. Or just do Oprah’s, “PEOPLE”.

They tried that at the Golden Globes. Look how well that turned out for them.

Right...but this presumes anyone is interested in the working poor being able to retire (except, obvs, the working poor). I mean, look, I am speaking from an economic point of view. Double wages for working at McDonalds and you accomplish very little other than raising inflation and increasing the costs for consumer

I had no idea! Thanks!