
Even as an adult, if you aren’t into sports, you’re basically ostracized from a huge bulk of society. At least where I am. It kinda sorta makes a guy bitter. From my perspective, sports is a religion to these people. There is literally no difference between how people approach their worship of whatever god and how

That’s the worst thing about sports: if you refuse to play them (especially as a boy), you’re told that you’re bad at teamwork and human interactions in general. You start associating one with the other, although the connection is tenuous at best (unless you consider the army to be the model for intimacy and

Those Canadians and their emphasis on education over corporate tax breaks, their free health care, and their gun laws that help the murder rate stay a fraction of what it is in America..........When will they learn?

The fact of the matter is that other companies can and do make more interesting settings. Paizo, the makers of Pathfinder and formerly a subsidiary of WotC, do a much better job making cultures that simultaneously feel realistic and fantastical.

Hell, even other teams at WotC do a better job. The Magic team has been

Yeah, people seems to forget that DnD can also be pretty offensive to white people. Most white cultures and ethnicities are grossly generalized a put in a generic medieval Europe that never existed. Having a black american on staff won’t assure you any better on African history than a white one. You would avoid overt

But really what the headline is hinting at (and I bet why 99% of us clicked it) is that if you click and read this article I’ll show you how to watch the show without paying CBS to watch it. Let’s get real here.

i love trek - but hard pass. I will wait to buy the series on Amazon

Long, long history of that in Hollywood. Huge numbers of actors had to change their names to get famous, both for racist reason (their name was very “ethnic” and Hollywood hates that) or because their name was hard to pronounce. For example, for Jews, you’ve got Marilyn Monroe = Norma Jean Mortensen, Kirk Douglas =

My golden rule as a DM is that while it can be really interesting to have different players with goals *orthogonal* to each other (one guy secretly wants to get a macguffin on this dungeon run, nobody else knows), you never want to have players with goals *opposed* to one another.


Keep writing about D&D!!!

Fair enough. From the casual viewer POV, though, it certainly seemed like those two were hired and billed as the show leads.

I know this is a terrible way to feel, but I’m not as sad as I should be that deniers will be hurt far worse by this.

Kim Mohan is a man, so at least one TSR staffer was pulling for women to get involved.

Until the “special features” are despecialized, I won’t be spending any more Star Wars money. At least not on the OT.

Until the “special features” are despecialized, I won’t be spending any more Star Wars money. At least not on the

No hate for Organized Play people like Adventurer’s league, Pathfinder Society etc but in my experience they play a very hardcore combat focused/optimized build style that would probably turn off completely new players so I would highly suggest either create your own group for a game like described here or finding

Ben Carson went to Yale and he thinks the pyramids were built for grain storage.

The expression Nintendo Hard didn’t create itself out of the thin blue.

Well, hey. Trump may have a blank check to destroy this county for everyone who isn’t wealthy, white and male, but we can all take comfort in the fact that Mitch McConnell will push back against congressional term limits. He’s truly the hero we deserve.

Wait a second.