At 5.8 seconds to 60 the current 155HP Miata has basically the same 0-60 as the S2000 and now they’re adding 30 HP.
Focus ST owner here - the Fiesta is too small. That’s it. It is a more fun car to drive but it’s just too small for me, and I’m only 6'1". I like the larger size of the Focus - I drove myself and 3 others up skiing last weekend with our skis on a roof rack and the rest of our gear in the trunk, you wouldn’t be able to…
That’s great and all, but I still think it needs more cowbell if you want our enemies to fear the Reaper.
I’m a proud owner of an 08 GT, and a moderator over at Club4G. We’ve got an interesting community... It’s odd, but the general consensus (at least amongst the people I’ve spoken with) is that we all recognize that our cars are overweight and not really THAT fast[stock], but we all love them and never want to get rid…
There was a Sunfire at one of the track days I went to this past year. Contemplate that for a minute...a Sunfire on a race track for a HPDE event. You should add upgraded brakes to that gift guide because he cooked them pretty well and probably left a nice brown spot on his underbritches. I say, props for bringing…
A Nissan Versa so they can upgrade to current horrid mediocrity?
I’m all for small fun cars with more power, but for $25k? Would anyone buy this over a Focus ST?
Your family van was a deathtrap? Not at all. My childhood cars were a 1964 VW type 2, and later, a 1973 VW Westphalia. Now, those are true death traps. 1/2 foot of crash space. The 64 had a frickin metal dash. The steering wheel was at the end of a spear. The brakes were all drums, and both cars caught wind more…
Gotta post this - I’m in the collision repair industry and maybe it’s time we roll back some of these requirements to you know - cull the herd a bit?
Because a barrier would get in the way of the ICBM carriers they parade every May 1st.......
0.008 seconds was all that separated IndyCar race winner Graham Rahal from James Hinchcliffe—the man who had led…
Every Monaco race Ricciardo has a 35sec pitstop regardless.
Worst forum shit storm ever seen? Easy. Go to any thread on Gawker or Jezebel, make a comment where you might appear to not be a left wing liberal nut job. You could tell them the sky is blue. However, if they even THINK you are a Republican (even if thats not the case), not only is the sky NOT blue, but you are an…
We’ve got our 3rd kid on the way, so I’m looking to size up from my daily driver Vibe to something that can hold the whole brood. We’ve already got one minivan, a base model ‘05 caravan which I bought a few years back for a cross country delivery/work vehicle and ended up letting my wife keep it when we let go of our…
Ford is refreshing the look of the Ford Fusion sedan into a more aggressive, “sporty” look – which is fitting…