
Because so many Instagram users love Tom Selleck and want to know more about reverse mortgages.  

You just know Urban and his wife have spent these past two weeks figuring out where to safely dispose that personalized Buckeye Butt Blaster.

He would also like for them to get off his lawn.

Not surprisingly Trump is working on implementing very strong tariffs on the Moon’s cheese imports.

This sums up the careers of MC Serch and Pete Nice quite adequately.

My guess is Phil owes somebody money.

I kind of feel like about 60% of us have been under an unofficial State of Emergency for about 20 months now.

It was either the NFL package or the Alex Jones Infowars streams.  Can't afford both.  

This is a bizarre interview.

No worries. His father came by later to pay for the damages.

Considering that the Great Smokey Mountians is the most visited National Park in US, I find it suspicious that this park - that straddles North Carolina and Tennessee- omission from the fee increase to be highly suspicious.

Hello darkness my old friend...

Exactly. But there are winners and losers in all leagues. Sometimes you’ve got to just go out and play your best, and play for the win. If it doesn’t happen, yes it’s frustrating but that’s life. Bledsoe is a veteran so he should be setting an example. Three games in and you put that stuff out there? That’s not

What a spoiled fucking piece of shit. He’s making 14 million playing this year, and he plays basketball for a living. Give me a break.

Yep. That’s exactly the point.

Hollywood, New York, London, Paris....

I also think 10363 pretty much are the numbers of Browns’ wins the past 5 seasons.

“Where’s my fucking helmet! Oh.”