
It will never stop being fucking gross to me that guys hit on and try to get with MUCH younger women ALL THE TIME. It really just disgusts me so much. I know its just sociological and men are conditioned to be that way, but for fucks sake. I (presumably... HOPEFULLY...???!!) looked older than I was when I was a

As an avid amiibo collector I now must buy sky landers stuff. While I am sure for Nintendo based products it utilizes the standard DK or Bowser, it is more of a tick that they are classifying it as amiibo. I hate this addiction.

Just avoid GMOs

I’m all for this guy trying to have a better sex life, but at the expense of betraying his wife? “And ultimately the role we play together as parents feels more important than my splitting us up so that I can seek out potential pussy options.” - Shouldn’t his wife have some say in this? If he thinks it’s ok to step

This. You don’t “find yourself” being a piece of human garbage. It’s a conscious choice. He chose it. He’s not a victim of circumstance, and no external power kept him from doing the only moral thing: asking his wife for an open marriage and failing that, exiting his marriage.

‪I had an unexpected affair three years ago.

I didn’t like any of this. As someone who has been cheated on multiple times, this made me queasy. I didn't like his answers or candor about it. No I will not "find myself in this situation someday", if I am with someone and want to be with someone else, I'll end my current relationship first cuz I'm not a fuckhead.

I went the anime route;

Same reason, except she’s not getting used as a gym sock to rub one out. She’s doing the rubbing herself. Why bother with all the foreplay?

Wow, sounds like the meeting of immature minds.

It’s totally reasonable for people to be able to comment on someones attractiveness without their partner being insecure or jealous. Hell, I point out hot women just as much as my boyfriend does. But at the end of the day I get to take him home soooo I see no issue.


This is rape.

Can we talk about how boringly predictable Jezebel is when it comes to famous (white) women? Their formula seems to be: build them up, fangirl like crayz and kiss their asses, only to tear them down and start the backlash the minute they get too famous and the comment section starts calling them ‘white feminists’.

I think with there being no shortage of survival games that allow customized avatars. Something different is nice to have.

They seriously polled Shonen Jump readers of 2015 are you f’ing kidding me? No Shigeru Mizuki, Osamu Tezuka, Naoki Urasawa... Fujio F. Fujiko, etc? What do you expect from thoroughly unscientific polls?

I kind of feel like Hermione deserved better than Ron. Probably better than Harry, too. I know they both matured a lot in the later books (okay basically the last book because they were both pretty whiny in the 6th book and Ron was actually pretty whiny in the 1st half of the 7th book too), but I just feel like she

no. nope. both in your example are fuckwads.

Seriously. Just read this and all I can think of is what a childish pathetic loser this kid is. It’s a fucking game. Get over yourself, you self righteous fuckwit.

That entire submission pissed me off. What a sociopath. “Wahhhh, people have two ways to protect themselves from my idiotic behavior, they should stop complaining when I say racist things to them”

Be afraid Riot and LoL players. Be afraid. A strom of Troll is coming and you will be like Indonesia in Dec. 2004. INUNDATED.