
I ALWAYS go woman, dark skin, and asymmetrical hair if they’ve got it. I don’t know why. I guess because white dude is boring. And the outfits for women are usually cooler.

I will miss her cries of, “Hey, Booby Lady!” but I prefer the Japanese voice cast anyway. It is a shame we won’t get to choose.

Howdy. Australian here. That sounds like a horrible system. Unrelated to that statement: What were more than 1/10 people doing that was illegal? Were they stopping and frisking people who they thought were shoplifting? Is there something that shouldn’t be illegal, that is, that they were pulling people up on? Were the

My childhood? EarthBound. It was the first JRPG I finished, and I played it with my best friend.

My teenage years? Jet Set Radio Future. My dad hated it because it was anti-establishment. It taught me I could like different things to my parents.

My adulthood (so far - I’m 28, a husband and a father)? Mother 3. It

No, over the series, and even most episodes, the central three girls are sexualised. Just watch the series. It’s very short. I enjoyed it.

I’m sticking with it, but that’s a pretty fair assessment. I can see value in the show and a lot of the jokes, but it’s certainly shitty in a lot of places.

The problem is when too many narratives require their female characters to be sexually appealing to viewers. This doesn’t enhance stories where sexuality is incidental, and when we have trouble depicting central characters that aren’t sexy, we continue to reinforce the notion that a woman’s value is in her looks. I

Yeah, that’s one of my favourites XD. Thankfully, my own wife is super geeky, so we don’t have those issues, but it’s such a sweet show :D

I definitely think there’s value in a story about respecting the mental capacity of those who dress in gyaru/gal attire. We can choose to look however we want and still deserve respect. I just think the gigantic breasts and miniature shirt in school character design could be toned down, along with the joy the show

Hehe. I watch A LOT of anime. Hey, I’m used to sexy cartoon school kids. I just think that for me the show’s shtick could just as easily work without the crazy designs. Just my preference.

I get that a lot of the humor is about lingering closeups of body parts and slow motion moans. It’s fine. The characters are sexualized with a high frequency. That’s part of it. I don’t mind too much. I just think the script might have been served better by slightly different designs. That’s just my take.

Hmmm... I’m watching it, but I wish the characters were less sexualized. It could be even greater without the crazy sexiness. Otherwise, good. (I’m nearly 30, I was a teacher, and have no interest in being titillated by school kids - that’s just my taste)

I have all the amiibo, and they currently take up a double shelf in my large display cabinet... These stands certainly don’t help there...

But I guess they’re for people who bought amiibo as Nintendo (n)intended. Just your faves.

That’s just horrifying.

Wow. I’m in love with the art.

I loved Lorde’s tribute. It had texture, and contextualised it for the modern ear in a SUPER subtle way. I’m pretty used to being mocked for my taste though (particularly in vocal styles) so I totally understand if I’m not with the majority on this one.

I desperately wanted to take my wife’s surname, but she said her family would get actively mad if I did that. She’s from SE Asia, and was a Koh. I’m a Ritchie. If she wouldn’t let me take hers, I wanted to make a new one. Richiko sounded good to me, but it also sounds like a Japanese woman’s given name, and my wife

I wish I could unread The Push Man. It is the only book in my collection that I never intend to open again. It’s just horrific.

A sexual relationship wouldn’t work for me if my partner didn’t enjoy receiving cunnilingus. It’s the sex act I most enjoy. In fact, if I’m imagining having sex with someone, is the only sex at that I fantasize about. I’m so grateful my wife loves it. Those I’ve met who don’t (and I’m not saying everyone who doesn’t)

Great. Now I’m terrified for whoever he’s allegedly dating....