
You’re right. We have fucked up. Every single one of us has fucked up at one point or another —myself included, as any Dragon’s Crown fan will happily tell you. Should we have done a better job disclosing certain things? Absolutely. As Stephen pointed out back when this whole thing first started, one of Kotaku’s

Jesus Christ, what a bunch of butts. I don’t have kids and I don’t want kids and I don’t really like kids but I do my best to nod along supportively when people talk about their kids or show me pictures or whatever because that is basic human courtesy and also I guess it’s really nice that people love their kids? It’s

I read that like you “wanted tit fighting mechanics” had a double-take for a moment there

I do want jiggle physics, I want bikini fights... I also want to see dudes and different body types get simular reception and representation.

If I have to stomach Nomura Tetsuya’s cheesy writing, you have to stomach breast physics =P

I know some people who’re in the same boat as you.

Careful, though, you might upset the people who have no idea why someone might have a problem with DoA’

I have to disagree... What we deserve is a Nintendo made Mother game. This game that was made by fans with their own free time and money with no hope of ever being paid for it by the people download it and , if its true to its jrpg nature, most will never finish... we don't deserve this incredible act of genuine

This shouldn't be free. These people deserve to be paid for this. I'm not saying that I don't agree with copyright laws. Mother is Nintendo's property and as such it is their legal right to be the only company to make a profit off of anything related to it. I'm just saying that I would like to give money to these

I just treat women like other people and it seems to work pretty well.

My narcissistic mother in law still wouldn't "get"this. She would find some way to be like OH YOU WANT TO BASK IN MY BITTERNESS WELL WHO IS BITTER NOW YOU ARE HAHA

Pre-purchase the $100 PC Monster Race Edition for access to 18 hunters, five monsters, four monster skins. The extra PC content will be available to console players for purchase after 30 days.

Would you shorten your life to be really good at something? As in the best in the world? What if you couldn't negotiate and the deal meant you died in 200 days? Would you take it?

I drink alcohol, I LOVE using profanity, and I attend the opera (sometimes all at once). I do not want to be Huckabee's friend.

The majority of Americans are okay with this. Black lives do not matter. Whether male or female, young or old. The majority (yes, that's mostly white people in the US) think the murder of this child is just collateral damage.

Yeah, his quote

On paper, Beyoncé is the poster child for Huckabee's "Bubba culture" (that's what he called it on The Daily Show last night) values:

It's not even just that these are two examples of equally corrosive cultures. One of these people sings songs about contracting STIs and wanting to have sex with minors. The other, at least for the most part, sings songs about consensual relationships between adults that don't harm their participants beyond possibly

#TeamNoOne is growing by leaps and bounds these days.

There's a third post that isn't linked from the second. It's so precise in its details that it's probably BS.

Or Shigesato Itoi!