
*weary nod*

She's just a woman with some sexual confidence issues and who has trouble speaking up about what she wants in bed. The number of people in that group are pretty damn big…

Statistical probability? Grindr? Karma?

If you carefully read up on what your coverage is, you'll know exactly what to expect. Then, instead of being jaded about the "system," you can be jaded about the coverage options you have - and maybe try to find something better.

There's some phrase about "the unexamined life" that I'm trying to think of. It may apply equally to a life left for everyone's examination!

"Could he be developing feelings?"

Consider other options

A laugh can mean one whole hell of a lot

Moral correctness has its place, of only because so many people out there are fooling themselves about acting like decent people.

Did you believe they put a flag in the moon?

Depends on who is to be done?

Mr Skin? What are you, a Judd Apatow film?

If you're under 17 and don't like porn, I guess that's okay.

Farrow kills in anything

Woody can only sympathize with neurotic men

Especially to the man in the moon!

His love of Sudoku?

Well, if you love jazz and the Knicks equally, a little bit of garbage is inevitable.

I love Colin Forth, and would follow him tot he ends of the earth. He could make wonderful priceline commercials.

The fact that gargoyles aren't real? or that they should only exist in France, Italy, or Ireland?