
No big deals. I'm just in no rush to push for my own satisfaction.

I'm sure the all-caps helped.

Yeah, I know I've already enough of people's manufactured drama for one lifetime. This time, it came in ridiculous fetish form…

It depends… sometimes the act itself is more erotic than it feels good. It depends on how good the giver is, how your member is feeling at that moment.

Oh, and sorry, my first time back in the saddle, the woman I was with was talking *a lot*, and everyhtung she said made me wonder if she got this from porn. I put my hand over her mouth.

Hill Street Chews

I hope McGarnacle has a guest appearance on this show.


Gnaw & Order: Tasty Victims Unit

Thanks! I just meant bthst I don't care about how many orgasms I have, because it feels good enough as is.

It's true - it would be more accurate to say that I don't care how often I come or whether I do at all; the act feels amazing and I enjoy my partner's satisfaction.

I guess MTV's Bitten was popular after all.

Heh. I thought it was gonna be "OF COCK"

Straight male mammal here, and my question boils down to different styles of having sex.

Some don't have much to trade. Also, there are asexuals out there.

Naw, Reps just wanna keep the power in the underlying of the wealthy. I hope you never have these kinds of problems again.

Not pretending that we do - don't put words in my mouth. The free market concept is a total joke in this country.

Jesus god it's a tv show. Read some books, exercise, go out, join some groups with similar hobbies, and date.

The Sprain will be on F-XY next year