
Nobody anywhere wants to touch you. And that includes inatimate objects like doors.

Your odds in lindy west remaining bitter are pretty good.

Dont let the door hit you on the way out.

I'm good. I'll just make like the rest of the world and ignore you.

You're such a pleasant, happy and sane person. Congrats on all your success!

leave then. see you later.

You're making sme pretty big assumptions yourself. So I'd cool down on criticizing others for assuming.

Legitimately go play in traffic. You clearly have a miserable existence so maybe it'll be an escape. What you've got going now certainly isn't working huh?
Or you could keep whining like the inmature small child that you come off as.

You're a complete piece of garbage. No one anywhere cares what you think about anything.

nothing more hilarious than some nobody whose done nothing with their life call someone who's wildly famous for his writing "mediocre". I think its fair to assume that you have nothing of substance to say to anyone.
Oh yeah and he's white…..what an asshole right? Where does he get off being born like that?


I think you're over thinking this.

mhmm. You're not an intelligent person. Good luck in life, you're going to need it. But I think you already know that.

You're the only troll here.

I commented on here once a year ago but apparently you've had so little going on that you remember. Beyond sad.
And you're one of the biggest pricks I've come across ever. In another reality you'd be Dolores Umbridge.
I don't have "multiple accounts" but really throw it all against the wall to see what sticks. It's

Yeah not wanting to air his dirty laundry from a relationship that ended 5 years ago. What an assholeeeeee.

Does it boher you that you have nothim going on in your life outside of commenting online?
No one cares what you think about anything. Keep talking, no one is listening or cares.

You've got to be one of the saddest people in existence.

it really isn't. Not to mention that trying to somehow relate that to whedon is intellectually dishonest at best.
But you've already decided that someone you've never met "hates women" so there's that.

yes and it's trash.