
Yeah this garbage is "helping" a lot of people. Some really really important work.

You're supposed to assume the absolute worst interpretation of him possible, this is a witch hunt not an honest discussion of facts after all.

no kidding.

Not to mention the apparent ease wuth which laura browning feels comfortable labeling mr. whedon a "predator". She should be ashamed of herself. Actual predators exist, and their behavior is quite a bit worse than joss whedon allegedly cheating on his wife.

That was meant semi sarcastically.
Regardless this article is tripe. We can all agree on that.

It's the kind of garbage that's ruined Internet media. Remember if someone FEELS something enough it's true and beyond reproach.

I remember when this website was above publishing intellectually dishonest garbage like this.
Note to others: if you've ever made an error in judgement or have/had a moral failing of some sort don't bother trying to be a good person.
Women cheat occasionally too you know. This piece is so idiotic on so many fronts that