Most Interesting Man

Came here for the advice of “dump the contents of glitter bottle in their room, and tell them to clean it up while they sulk”. Leaving disappointed.


Please, tell me more about how this 29-year-old bartender is going to save the world from a naturally occurring phenomenon by completely undoing the US economy that would likely

The drought in California?...

Oh that’s neat.  But can they do it drunk?

Here’s what to do if you are about to die:

Truer words are rarely spoken. These so called dogwhistles are only audible to cats.

But the article was trying to draw a link between Trump and the fact that some articles are now suggesting flying cars are more than 2 years away. The fact is, anyone with a modicum of logical thinking abilities (which eliminates many blog writers) would know that “flying cars” are and have been more than 2 years away

So Trump is now responsible for that too? Do you even read what you write?

Hmmm....So let’s look at the facts:

Snow in AZ is not unusual. I find this article to be very one track minded. We arizonans are not just desert people.I have lived in AZ my full 28 years of life, godwilling he will give me many more years! Although we don’t get snow as often as other states in the U.S.,unless you live in areas in the northern part of

Correct. Thank-you for saying so. I live in Arizona on the Mogollon Rim. We get snow every year.

Is it because it was on school property? I get that thought after reading the story.  

Pointed sticks, eh? Getting all high and mighty are we? Fresh fruit not good enough for you?

Sounds like somebody did a little too much LDS.

It stings a little, but it is WAY more effective. My weapon of choice is these, I swear, it’s like a car wash for your nose. That sucker gets CLEAN.

Stories like this are why I always wait until I’m in absolute misery before resorting to water-boarding myself. And even after boiling the hell out of the water, I still worry.

“The hills are alive with the sound of, AAAAAHHHHHHH!”

Not to be confused with “actual justice...”

Because they are teaching that America is bad. They don’t mention the 1,000,000 legal migrations per year; plus asylum; plus family unity, etc.  If we are so evil, why do migrants pass through other countries to arrive here?

That’s just a larva trying to get comfortable.