Most Interesting Man

Well, plants couldn’t survive without carbon dioxide, so there’s that. Also, the civil war wasn’t about slavery other than post facto to keep the British from intervening. These are literally things you should have learned in elementary school. Maybe brush up your facts before you call people dumb?

I don’t want to fight someone who know what butt tastes like.

Soy milk tastes like an insult

Soy milk tastes like butt. Fight me.

There is absolutely not a single reason why anyone should ever film a video in portrait mode, EVER.

The pie you speak of is actually the sum many many smaller pies. It is possible to create your own.

Right...but this presumes anyone is interested in the working poor being able to retire (except, obvs, the working poor). I mean, look, I am speaking from an economic point of view. Double wages for working at McDonalds and you accomplish very little other than raising inflation and increasing the costs for consumer


I grew up in California, but moved away after college and have lived all over the country, in places that don’t give a shit if you want to smoke your way into lung cancer or what have you—that’s your own problem. “DPRC” made me laugh really, really hard.

It’s also an easy way to find trip wires for IEDs and claymore mines. The more you know.

That one wasn’t fair...

No because much like the SHEEPLE, these sheep choose to follow a bunch of LEFT WING SOCIALISTS.

Now “Climate change” is responsible for the death of a species in an area Prior to the industrial revolution and in an unpolluted environment?

Welcome to Gizmodo. Where even a broken shoelace will be blamed on global warming..

It expanded quickly as soon as it came out of the box?

Go back and re-read the article, that is exactly what they are saying:

Now playing

I hope they mention how JP Morgan bankrupted and blacklisted Tesla for wanting to supply infinite free power to the world and that once he died alone in a small room the FBI and US government took all of his paperwork.