He’s turned being a buffoon into a million dollar career. Will he be at the Trump Inauguration?
He’s turned being a buffoon into a million dollar career. Will he be at the Trump Inauguration?
I’m just as impressed with the replay where they did a freeze frame and then did a 90 degree camera turn and added graphics to show how high he jumped. Was this on the Badminton Channel?
“The Implication” is one of the greatest comedic conversations in history. That means The Gang Buys A Boat (S6 E3) should be in at least the top 10 instead of at 23.
This wouldn’t have happened if Bill had a father.
I wish this could be a regular posting like the St Louis Cardinals losing a game did. I would embrace every post about a Cowboys fan embarrassing themselves.
89... if you count Alexis Ohanian.
They all voted to perform at the inauguration when he said the only other option was for them to sit through one of his band’s performances.
Similar to when you hear someone say “I’m not racist but...” and what follows is the most racist thing you ever heard.
The Terminator movies are just getting worse and worse.
How come no one ever talks about his lazy eye? We must kill him and bury his heart under the floorboards.
Dogstar 4eva!
This could be a new euphemism for stalking.
The Golden State Warriors need a center and would give up next year’s first rounder for him. Just sayin’.
It’s the Pillow from Manila!