Why is nobody talking about his hair? It’s like the Emperor’s New Clothes!
Why is nobody talking about his hair? It’s like the Emperor’s New Clothes!
I didn’t know goalkeepers were allowed to wear Mickey Mouse gloves.
Welcome to Trump’s America.
I think we’ve finally tracked down the “people” who keep giving Trump all this juicy information.
Let’s include anyone who orders an Everything Bagel. C’mon just choose one thing! You can’t have everything!
I’m pretty sure there’s a peg in the middle of that chair.
She’s like Bertha in Jane Eyre, locked away in the attic.
Finally, an excuse not to work today.
This is why Trump wants to use nuclear weapons.
Badass or idiot juvenile delinquent? Also he’s 5'7".
“Annie Get Your Gun” was on TCM the other day and I was really shocked at their take on American Indians however I also realized that it was filmed over 60 years ago. Does that mean it should be censored and never shown again?
Let’s check with Sean Hannity.
Fucking Thank You
It really amazes me how people go nuts when athletes give political opinions. Why does anyone care what Ozzie Guillen thinks about Castro? Who cares what Rashard Mendenhall thinks about Bin Laden? These people do not hold office or form public policy but when you make a big deal out of their opinions you give them…
“Hes jus lik ous!”
Fast forward 50 years from now where Samer and Rocket are roommates at a convalescent home and the best of friends.