Fucking lol?
Fucking lol?
No one is asking the reader to crack open the scientific paper, but we are hoping that readers read *beyond* the headline, which is a wholly reasonable ask, particularly when the headline is technically correct—and there’s only so much you can articulate in a headline, particularly for a complex science story such as…
I mean, they could find dozens of million dollar checks made out to cash, endorsed by Clarence, and deposited into his savings account that said “for overturning Roe v Wade” on the memo line and you still probably couldn’t find 17 GOP Senators who would vote to remove him.
I used to do this job, and if you think we're inspecting the avocados and only using the best, ripest ones I have some bad news for you...
To be fair, if you’re eating at a Chipotle, you’re not actually worried about eating shitty food.
This video is not nearly How Its Made enough for me
Pretty much the same as in English, just louder.
There is nothing special or nefarious about this. Once she goes to see her case manager for the first time, they will adjust her release date. For her, since she is serving more than 12 months, she gets “good time.” This is roughly 15% off (54 days for every 365 days of prison term) her sentence which everyone gets…
plaintiffs asked ChatGPT to recite excerpts from Silverman’s book The Bedwetter, to which it relayed passages from the memoir verbatim.
While both OpenAI and Meta make mention that they do not train on copyrighted material... In an exhibit from the author’s lawsuit, the plaintiffs asked ChatGPT to recite excerpts from Silverman’s book The Bedwetter, to which it relayed passages from the memoir verbatim.
Hoooow are you typing sooooo many words about this and stilllll not saying anythiiiiiing meaningful?
Adults should not be using emojis. Use your words like a grown up.
It all boils down to if we, as humans, didn’t actually want our media to be outrage porn, we’d probably get a lot done.
I absolutely agree with your sentiment but I think what you’re asking is impossible. You essentially are asking for a non-biased non-partisan group that gets to decide what is ultimately real or fake.
Good article, Isaac, but lobopodians aren’t worms. The name applies to limbless long-bodied invertebrates, but really it should be restricted to members of the phylum Annelida. In any case, lobopodians had limbs. Lots of them.
This review saved too much for the swim back.
Each player bring their own deck of cards. Nobody loses their cards, ever. It is a pretty powerful card, but it’s not one-of-a-kind powerful. Yes you would have to take it out of the case. Most people sleeve their entire deck, however, so it would still be protected a bit.
Assholes. Don’t like drag shows? Then don’t go. I’m sure no one is forcing you to. Meanwhile, you want to cram your religion down everyone else’s throats, though.
Except “feeling threatened” is absurdly subjective and prone to wanton abuse (e.g., divorce proceedings and child custody battles)....
If true, does this mean that the Trump animatronic is trans?