I’m guessing he’s also more animated.
I’m guessing he’s also more animated.
This is why it’s great that more colleges are making standardized tests optional.
I said the same thing. I assume my comment wont be approved as usual. But they continue to give him a free platform. Them as in (gizmodo and social media and news outlets). Beat him in the polls and quit reporting on him. Imagine, all news outlets, social media outlets etc just stop reporting on him, and make him pay…
Why they allowed a mugshot is beyond me. They are giving him a platform and I assume he will now use that photo to make money (probably hundreds of thousands if not millions). While the media sticks their heads up their ass, and posting this everywhere, they are helping his platform. If the media would just stop…
tech news on gizmodo?
And he’d still produce something better than the schlock Amazon handed the (extremely rabid) fans.
We were talking about various debris removal methods in a long discussion over at the Ars Technica Observatory forum.
Ultimately an increase in pay isn't a huge concession. The studios are rich and a small decrease in profits is a pretty easy pill to swallow, especially if it's only for the short to medium term. It's the parts about how the industry is controlled that are the bigger issue for both sides. If the studios can get away…
I half agree with you there. Americans have been dumbed down over the years and today we believe all sorts of crazy things.
*narrator voice*
Uh huh, what studies? Because the most populous areas in the US vote liberal. Conservatives would be out in the cold if the electoral college didn’t lend more weight to rural (and statistically conservative) voters.
Yeah, what exactly is the “center” position between “I believe this group of people should be afforded the same rights and respect as another group” and “I believe this group has no right to exist”?
“Reality has a well known liberal bias” - Stephen Colbert
Let’s go ahead and let the strike continue at least until Leto’s no longer available...
Thank you Giz for not making this a slideshow.
Interestingly, according to the Indiana Criminal Code, max sentence for theft over $50,000 is 1-6 years in jail, plus restitution if the merch isn’t recovered (already sold off), plus if the game store suffered any issues with maintaining the business because of loss the GenCon profits they could file civil suit. Any…
One of my favorite things about the prequels is how it portrays how flawed and hidebound the institution of the Jedi is, and having Ahsoka leave the Order as she grows and recognizes those flaws in the spin-off show was an inspired decision.
This story gets crazier and crazier. Did they not think there were cameras? The theft was so brazen. They’re wearing their own merch FFS.
Great video. That’s a feather star, though - they never do have stems. The stemmed crinoids move as well, but it’s a lot eerier. Like a broom dragging itself along the floor by its bristles.