Adding a ‘not’ to the title does not get you out of Betteridge’s Law.
Adding a ‘not’ to the title does not get you out of Betteridge’s Law.
If you grew up in the age of laptops and low profile keys, you might not care. If you’re an old like me, the fat keys with long travel are more comfortable. The level of clicky-ness is pure preference. Silent builds for the office are a thing. I’m glad I switched to a “gaming” mechanical keyboard and do no gaming.
The College Board’s monetization of higher education and disregard for personal privacy is abhorent. It is also par for the course for the systemic abuse and exploitation of college students. Will it ever change?
The problem with Secret Invasion, and really the problem that has plagued all of the MCU television series since WandaVision was released in 2021, is that these shows are pieces of a puzzle.
I hope these babies are using a good ad blocker and aren’t allergic to herbs.
Fair enough. Trump did not directly advise Americans to injest bleach. He speaks with the wonderment of a child so he’s a good representative for the common American idiot. But that does not mean he should be leading a country or hinting at alternative medical research when there’s a perfectly good vaccine that he…
We kept trying to program ChatBot with conservative values, but the AI told us it was illogical to drink bleach instead of getting a vaccine or that it’s inhumane to tell certain people they shouldn’t exist or that an insurrection is not the best way to elect a democratic leader. ChatBot is so liberal!
Considering the merchandise was worth $300k, I think a jail cell will be a bigger barrier to publishing a new game rather than animosity within the industry.
Looks like Roomba’s new feather duster model. Thanks for sharing.
Don’t worry. This string of tweets masquerading as an article is useless on desktop, too!
I always assumed our robot overlords would kill us ruthlessly, efficiently, intentionally. I never expected they would bumble into it and that we’d be collectively stupid enough to fall for it. Half the US is actively seeking out healthy bleach recipes.
Excellent point. But this is not a new problem. What’s the legal precedent for preventing imposters? Is Amazon being generally evil or uniquely evil?
Realizing the implictions and caring about the implications are very far apart. Even if they cared, doing something about it is yet a higher hurdle.
Does Amazon really expect every author to trademark their own name? Doesn’t being the author of a book automatically give you some copyright protections without a trademark? Does a copyright only work on the works you’ve published but not fake stuff that other people put your name on? Bizarre.
It’s petty enough for a governor to single out a business like this. It’s blatantly obvious DeSantis is doing this for political theater to appear to be sticking it to the other. But the fact that he’s bungling it and failing to overcome his adversary makes him look petty and weak, which he very much is.
The New York Times reports that “Try That in a Small Town” hit #2 on the Billboard Hot 100 this week.
“Heartless CEO who definitely hates the union that keeps his money machine running can’t even pretend to be sympathetic in public.” Hard times indeed when you have to put some effort in to rake in your billions. Not much effort, just some.
That’s at the low end of seven figures. We don’t know exactly how much The Rock donated. At the high end, each member could get ~$60, which is totally different. Then you have to factor in that the Rock wouldn’t draw on his own donation. So it could have been a very nice gesture.