
We’re not corrupt, we're just completely incompetent and shouldn't be anywhere near positions of authority.  Also, I was lying about the not being corrupt part."

She’s also a professor at Duke University who does research on human+autonomous systems. She’s been focused on this area as a prof at MIT and Duke for 8+ years, so she’s definitely qualified to do government regulation / NHTSA stuff.

Or that they have all of the leverage (because Ford lowered the name match requirement), and want the vehicle to mark up even more than the 10k they tried to get out of him. Dealers are adding $30k in some cases.

At the same time, why does everything have to come down to legality and signed agreements for things like this. Shouldn’t a well functioning system be easy to navigate, transparent, and not rely on having to protect yourself all the time?  An ideal system here should be relatively “frictionless” so to speak.

That’s unfair to plague rats.  They didn’t really have a choice or a readily available vaccine, nor did they have a flying spaghetti monster making their decisions for them.

That’s cold. Real cold.

You’ve heard of inclement weather? This is... excrement weather!

“Look I’m not sorry about platforming transphobia, I’m just sorry I wasn’t better able to bullshit you about it.”

Facts don’t care about your feelings.

Maybe there are foreseeable threats to the sector for young newcomers, but... if you’re middle class (and no boku savings) then doing this and trucking for several years until you hit federal aid independence—and then going to college cheaply with money in the bank— seems like a quick route to financial stability.

Presumably there’s a lot of shit to move around within CA itslef.


Whatever you think of SUVs, pretty sure that inconveniencing one woman on the way to school isn’t really going to meaningfully affect climate change.”

Whatever you think of SUVs, pretty sure that inconveniencing one woman on the way to school isn’t really going to meaningfully affect climate change.

Do you think it would be cool if a company came out with a car called “The Jew?” Or that it wouldn’t be bizarre if Jeep’s next crossover was called “The Korean?”

That transcript reads like a Trump interview.

Scabs gotta be scabs.”

Need more details. Is this the type of thing where the salaried employee is trying to enter their work place, at a stop with no where to go, inching forward, while people stand on the hood? “See, they hit me!”

Or is this a situation of someone trying to force their way through a crowd using their car as a weapon or

“I don’t know the details but I’m sure the driver was an attempted murderer in this situation”.

Now playing

I dunno if its exactly a “scam” because being trendy means you could perhaps pawn it off at a profit when you realize you don’t like living in a shipping container as long as you GTFO fast enough.