
i personally don’t feel like i am seen as a Saudi women either largely due to the fact that you wouldn’t be able to actually see my face in public, while the niqab has its hilarious moments! id largely pass if i could. moments like sneezing when you have a cold and having the hot boogers smushed against your

you keep saying we...but you don’t speak for all Arab women or Saudi women, i like many women don’t want to subscribe to the roles that are carved out for us, and yet we don’t have that choice. pretending as if people want to “rip our veils off” and soon as there is a mention of oppression and a lack of consent to

I think Tina fey hinted about it on snl weekend updat and 30 rock.

some of my friends and family members have been mutilated so i’m aware of the awfulness.

so we are apparently to you “these people” you are unable to understand that people protest this shit all the time just because you don’t hear about it 24/7 in English doesn’t mean it’s not happening. this isn’t “political correctness” maybe “you people” in the west could calm the fuck down with the same annoying

aside from the fact that in many cases the father cares out the punishments and honor killings,in the case of FGM it is different,they do it because they love their daughter even if that’s hard to believe. they don’t want them to be hurt by remaining single,which brings the stigma of being a Bachelorette which brings

after seeing this photo i want Bernie to squirt in mouth,like milk coming out of a cows utters.

this week on vice science: modern day scientific methods to cure female hysteria?

this week on vice:Megan fox has violent un-lubricated anal sex with a 15 year old Taliban to find out the underground perfume drinking scene leading to the undiscovered brothels of the Moroccan satanic church.

because men live to tell the tale.

feminist have fought against the draft for men but also fought to be included if it was necessary.the other day on Reddit’s front page there was something about”women’s draft bill”,and all the comments were finally feminists are going to get “real”responsibility. LOL they are starting to rejoice in feminist victories

i think you’ve misunderstood,they bend the rules of religion so that women don’t drive,since the religion says nothing about transportation of women,however it does prohibit women from being alone with strange men,so that means “religiously speaking” women should drive

Yemeni people also pronounce qaf although they sound like the “Germans” of the Arabic world,so angry all the time.

clearly you’re the one to talk,when “no one understood you” and “you didn’t understand anyone” i guess you have a lava lamp for a brain.

what is really upsetting to me is after my father died 3 years ago, everyday when i call a taxi i walk by a perfectly good car,just parked there collecting dust. we might actually run out of oil by 2030 and women might never get to drive a car before that,in one of the most oil rich countries in the world.

this is prohibited by the religion but they bend the rules if it’s in favor of women.

i’m not the one who was “misunderstood”you also can’t read one line this is less about everyone’s grammar miss “not be a victim” and more about your pathetic cop out to getting called out.your no fan of gifs or words or numbers.....but here is one so you don’t feel the need to be a broken record.

none sarcastically,these were the most enjoyably facts iv’e read in a long time.that crying rapists shirt is like my husband!

yes,magically you couldn’t grasp 10 lines including your own fucking quote LOL,you also couldn’t understand anyone else that speaks English as first language!!,they all also misunderstood you!!! and they still understood what i said!!!! and one speaks better than you!!1!!give it up on more time for miss “i

1-you already responded(are you unable to comprehend your own actions now or is this “not responding” like “not being a victim”?).