
racist sex is the best sex....?

yes,we have a very high rate of death for female teachers from the drivers not paying attention,women who were raped,women who were kidnapped. just the other day i’m in my full abea with my 2 sisters and our faces were covered in one hour we got harassed 3 times by passing men in cars and this was on the main

this IS what some of them say,we already have witch craft/vice police and how “women will be drug mules if they drive”. it’s funny because 2 women were facing charges of terrorism for driving and that same year the kingdom opened a rehabilitation/spa and therapeutic session for previous terrorists they literally treat

i’m not sure they even know we have feminism in K.S.A.

in Saudi Arabia men tell us all the time you can’t drive......wait for it.....for your own good the streeeets is dangoures!!11!! spiritual corruption!!1!

yeah we have that on buses sometimes but there were cases of kidnapping soooo YAY!

Equality is not sameness. This feminism 101.

when they get cornered with their views by people living in extremely misogynistic cultures they just can’t read all of a sudden,this always happens.

and your proper education taught you that everyone speaks English as a first or only language? you having amazing grammar yet 100% retarded thought process so 10 points for gryffindor!! (this is a harry potter reference its a popular franchises)

right 10 lines is too much and one of them was your quote....

Not being a victim and staying away from situations like that is what stops that” wow so cooool how do i stop being a women in Saudi Arabia? should i leave my country? oh Waite i can’t ahhh shucks i need a man which is great,since earlier you were upset someone said they unfortunately don’t need one. it’s fantastic

it doesn’t matter if you believe that,this is just a fact if you live in a place where abuse towards women is common you are going to be affected by that,that’s just a fact not an opinion. people should’ve helped her but he should’ve toke no for an answer to begin with,which is something a lot of men have difficulties

this has to do with feminism you know what we are talking about........ in many places before feminism women couldn’t vote,work in what they want,domestic violence was legal and you could rape your wife which is still legal in 74 countries. how are you not aware of what it has already done and how it can change things

you know what sweetie i’v never driven a car in my life and i’m an adult women,but i live in a country where women have been accused of terrorism for driving.but this is not a misogynistic culture and this is not a prevalent attitude that affects one gender more than the other across the globe with varying degrees