I actually worked in the squadron they showed on 60 minutes. The 8" disk for the SACDIN system. The 1.44 MB disks we used in the REACT console. Prior to REACT we actually had plated wire memory for a hard drive.
I actually worked in the squadron they showed on 60 minutes. The 8" disk for the SACDIN system. The 1.44 MB disks we used in the REACT console. Prior to REACT we actually had plated wire memory for a hard drive.
I bought it on iTunes for $9.99. I don’t have BBCAmerica.
I foolishly bought the series on iTunes. I should’ve only bought Extra Gear. I had that pit in my stomach feeling through out the episode. I wanted it to be great. But Chris Evans is not good. At all. Throw him and LeBlanc to the curb and move Rory and Monkey into the hot seats along with Sabine - that might just…
How about a guy like DeMuro or Matt Farah. Can they write off their cars since they ostensibly own them to write and video them to generate income? If so, is their deduction a mileage thing or a cost?
Nicely done. I listened to it today. I appreciate your sense of adventure!
I just bought a 2016 GTI Autobahn DSG with the Performance Package. I can’t drive a manual due to my bad left leg (save the manuals isn’t possible for me). The car sticker price was $35k. I got it for $28k. I felt like it was a fair price. The dealership had a pretty hefty inventory. It’s too bad VW’s leadership felt…
I quit caring about Tesla when the Model X went from what was supposed to slot below the Model S to costing more than the Model S. Their time is up on promising an affordable EV. They need to get off their behinds and get the Model 3 rolling and rolling cheaply.
I have to say I stopped my Patreon support of Monkey because: a) he hasn’t produced any content; and b) he’s likely going to benwell paid by the Beeb.
This could be a cornerstone of the Third Offset strategy.
You should call up Applied Minds and ask for a tour. DM me on Twitter (http://www.twitter.com/dancmos) and I can get you contact info. They’ll make you sign an NDA, but you may get them to allow you to write about certain things. You need to see the firm to get a really solid feel of what they can do. I met them when…
I know Bran. He is a brilliant leader and technologist. It’s a little unfair to be critical, as some commenters are, of the vehicle’s break-down. It was its first drive and the video clearly states this. There are a lot of solid applications for a vehicle like this such as expeditionary filming, remote operations for…
I see where you’re coming from. I want to drive myself. It seems like in the foreseeable future dedicated lanes will be required. I’m really torn on it. The work is pretty interesting though.
It’s a solid choice. It seems like Aston Martin is hoping to get a little more volume through the Vantage GT and some future “low end” model. Of course, you’ll likely show what a bad idea owning one is after the laundry list of problems you face.
My firm is working with Nissan in this area right now. A lot of this work will be done in Silicon Valley.
I’m not sure about a Rally 308, but I think it’s time for somebody to do a serious Restomod 308. I’m thinking the Ring Brothers. Replace the steel bodywork with pure carbon fibre. Make the engine fast, but it cannot lose the Ferrari noise. Improve the handling. You get the idea.
I’m confused, if they do a “buy back,” does that mean VW will take the cars back completely? It doesn’t seem like CARB would allow the cars to continue to be used in California for example. If they do take the cars back, it wouldn’t be a total loss. They could ship them to Africa or South America or maybe even to…
It’s sad, as if to say “we’re sorry for the scandal.”
Summary: FF wasted everyone’s time.
VW got caught cheating. It was deliberate. I always wondered how VW TDi vehicles could pass emission without urea injectors. They couldn’t. We don’t lie about our rolling coal spewing machines.
I was at a meeting with General Carlisle in Santa Monica last week (you should’ve been there!). He indicated it is very, very difficult to have an adequate aggressor against the F-22 and to some extent for the F-35. While they fly against the T-38s and even F-16s, the F-22 can run circles around them. He indicated the…