I commuted from Howard County Maryland to DC for a year. It was miserable. I drove a few miles to the train. That part was fine. The train took an hour to get to Union Station. It was crowded and horribly uncomfortable. Riders would chat and most people complained of literal pain in their necks. I still have it and I…
The guys who work on my cars are Master Ferrari Mechanics. They had a 456 in the shop and I loved it. But, they warned me off from them. The engine is based on the Daytona engine more or less, which means it’s finicky and prone to problems. They are steering me towards a much newer Ferrari.
I met a wonderful gentleman by the name of Malcolm S. Pray, Jr. Mr. Pray started out life as a VW salesman. He worked his way up and bought the dealership and then several others. He amassed an amazing collection of cars. You know what he did with them? He made them available to inner city kids to touch, climb all…
That’s kind of crap. You do understand people need to make a living and it costs time and money to set these things up. Do you go to work for free?
So that’s not Tom Cruise?
I was in Georgetown this morning and saw a few by Baked and Wired. They were littered on the sidewalk along Jefferson. I rolled my eyes. Then hopped into my GTI and sped off.
Thank you! I realize it’s superficial AF, but where do they find these people?
Excellent piece Ryan.
Agreed, that one was really beautiful. What I like about Icon is the attention to detail and removal of plastics. But the Wheeler Dealers team did a really nice job on theirs.
This video was one of my favorite Icon builds. I was captivated by the details. So, so good. I am constantly thinking about what car I would want Jonathon Ward to build for me. My first thought oddly enough always go to the Ferrari 400. My thoughts are make it even more comfy. Put in a Tremec transmission. I even…
A new sedan? Tesla must have some brilliant market research. News flash Elon: the world is leaving sedans behind, meanwhile you have just about the worst possible SUV known to mankind on the market.
It’s like people complaining about Congress. They won’t vote them out: “the others are all bad, but my Congressman is good enough.” Well, we aren’t buying cars, we’re buying SUVs/CUVs/Trucks. I did my duty and supported Mexico by buying a GTI. I also supported South Carolina by buying an X5 and an X1. I’ve had several…
No plan survives contact with the enemy. The enemy is the marketplace.
Saves lives? That’s impossible to quantify. It has killed people, not just from Tesla, but others, and injured many more. I recommend you look into Nilsson v GM for starters. This tech should not be on public roads until it really works. If you follow around a car with Lane Change Assist, it looks like the driver is…
It was on Elon’s Nautical AutoPilot apparently.
The Bitter SC is, without a doubt, the Belle of the Ball. The 959 is her German lover.
I had a Honda Aero 80, not Elite. No pop-up headlight. It did get me to work, at the GM Tech Center, and college. I finally donated it to a guy to rebuild it. I think I paid $800 for it 1984. Brand new.