
Or she could've purchased a Studio on the Residensea ship The World.

Missed Opportunity

I'm super happy without the scam of a state inspection. No thank you.

Neutral: If Not The Gas Tax What? If you think I'm wrong about raising the gas tax what's your alternative?

Monkey, you do great work. You should make a boat-load of money. Maybe you could write a book with exclusive access to some content. I have followed you around since I found you on Autocar. I was there to follow you on DriversRepublic, and others. I personally cannot get enough of the quality you exclude.

I'm not sure. Someone will figure out the pay video model, but it'll take some time. Drive + proves there are enough people willing to pay for content, but if all content goes behind a paywall, as some people believe it will, then smaller verticals will inevitably suffer. Five bucks a month seems sensible for

Does Jalopnik sit as a irritant in that process? Nope. It's the template for free content, but it's probably not repeatable, so none of us should waste time attempting to do so.

And that's kind of where we are now. The car maker as broadcaster, video being the content people appear to want but with no real commercial structure to support it, the website unable to do anything but flush advertising inventory against shitty, vanilla consumer reviews and the iPad magazine already looking like the

It's showing up on the BMW Press Global site as the 1-series, which everybody knows, but not on the USA Press site. I'd say they have no plans for a 1-series 4-door in the US. While many of you don't like it, it would actually be a good idea to have an affordable car for small families to get introduced to BMWs.

What a great looking back-end.

Fantastic video! I spent some time in Budapest and absolutely fell in love with it. The restaurants, the people, the hotels, the HOT, HOT, HOT women. It was a great place to be. I'd love to go back sometime soon.

He doesn't need to slow down, he needs to learn how to scale his platforms up and down and quickly. By the time the Model 3 comes out, it'll be outdated. I'm a huge Tesla and Musk fan, but unless he gets an i3, Leaf, and now Bolt killer out soon, he will not be able to sustain his stock value nor growth to invest in

Now that you mention it, it is lonely. Not a bad addition.

I purposely found a 2014 X1 for my octogenarian in-laws with out iDrive. It has a simple, clean interior that lets them focus on driving and not become befuddled if something lights up on the screen. I imagine the availability of this sort of thing at BMW will be coming to an end. Unfortunately.

Is there a delete option for Cue? I jest, of course there isn't, but that doesn't mean it is wanted.

I have to say, the new logo sheds the "old man" image without sacrificing heritage.

For what it's worth, the AOR (Area of Responsibility) with posted maps including China and Korea are not part of CENTCOM's AOR. It is PACOM. Apparently ISIS doesn't know its enemy very well.

And so, my conclusion here is that you should absolutely buy a used LR4, or LR3, or X5, but only from CarMax, so you can use the warranty to shield yourself from any troubling reliability issues. And if you fall into the "Tavarish" camp, then yes, you should buy it anyway and do the work yourself, because it's far

To carry out this task, I like to play a little game called: How badly did Subaru beat Volkswagen this year? I started playing this game last year, when Volkswagen – an enormous, powerful, multi-national conglomerate who creates new sales targets by adding zeroes to previous ones – delivered fewer cars than Subaru,

It'll be nice to see new TG episodes. In the meantime, I do wish BBC America would play something besides reruns and "best of" shows. There are so many great BBC shows and apparently the programmers think all we want is TG.