Wrong 'Em Boyo

The tactile experience of physical media is not to be dismissed. I remember the thrill of getting Final Fantasy XII for Xmas in a METAL case (with manual!). The audio industry is finally starting to get it, which is why vinyl is coming back. You can’t have much album art on a MP3.

Question: why does one do a track day other than to have fun?

My shorts are getting tighter just from the pictures. I can only imagine seeing one on the street. So yeah, I’d say it works for me.

This will probably be an unpopular opinion around here, but big deal. Is anybody really claiming that a fully road-certified Hellcat/Z06/whatever motor is insufficient for use in an otherwise purpose-built race car? If everybody’s racing under the same regs (or as far as they can creatively stretch them), then I can’t

Wait, was Q-tip Jedi a hologram in that scene? I always thought he was a Force ghost. Didn’t he die in Clone Wars?

I probably missed the boat on this one, but here we go anyway:

That was my first thought, but I knew someone must have beaten me to it. Well played, sir.

Just went through this with my entire family. Chemical shampoo did nothing. Plastic comb, nothing. We ended up going to a lice salon and got them removed the old school way with a metal comb and essential oils. Expensive, but worth it!

Based on my personal Hot Wheels collection:

Clean and understated.

So, what's a guy gotta do to get out of the grey these days? I've been on here for years.

Psshh, starchitects like Bjarke Ingels are too hip to worry about whether the cars will fit. Or whether the house has any WINDOWS that look OUTSIDE.

The Ford Ranger Splash. In teal, with side graphics. Job done.

I want Toyota to bring this back:

I saw one do a flyover at the Reno Air Races in the mid-80s. It wasn't that low, but low enough to feel it in my chest.

Hmmm, M5, you say? Make it an E39, and you've got a winner.

A little late to the party, but here it is.

I think Ferrari offered the 575 with a manual, but the F1 box was their new mousetrap so they made more of those.

It's a modern V12 Ferrari with an open-gate manual and less than 12,000 miles. No, it won't be a trackday monster, but you don't need $100K for that. I think we're done here.