Moses Rodcancer


Mine is Hayes and DC at Brett's house.

He was just an infant in The Thing.

It's the smart move. Tessio was always smarter.

Has anyone actually seen the bit he mentioned? It sounds like a real disaster.

No, we're talkin' 'bout the original shoulder-pad-wearing, purple-wigged, gltter-falling-from-the-rafters Goldust. The awesome Goldust.

Yeah, that Todd thing was unfortunate if true. I like that character.

Oh, no. I love that part. It's the episode choices that annoy me.

Every year, I tell myself I'm not going to get annoyed at the Best Ofs, and every year, I get annoyed.

It's a testament to both Hayes and Sean that both their solo episodes were so great. I really enjoyed Hayes and DC running down poor Brett.

Oh heavens no.

Good, for the most part.

I suppose this is a good time to point out that Stars were irritating as fck.

I think if I absolutely HAD to pick a favorite moment in the show, it would be that whole "Kiss From a Rose" montage.


SPOILERS below, I guess.

FFVI comes up a LOT in these video game music articles (and rightfully so), so they probably left it out this time.

I'd take HH's listeners over any other show's. They all seem to be A.) in on the joke, and B.) well aware that they're about to get shat on.

I was flipping through channels a week or so ago, and I landed on that Austin Powers movie. I'm glad I left it on, or I might have missed out on some of the intricacies of that bit. Scotty n'est pas!

She's not doing a character so much as she's indulging her weird curiosity on-mic more.