Moses Rodcancer

Just as an FYI, there have been a few good "With Special Guests" lately. Fan favorite Intern Gino makes an appearance, and comedian Shaun Diston delivers an incisive premise with his episode "The Wishing Well with Skee-Lo." He plays the titular character, who wants desperately to have just one of his wishes granted

Not super related, but I listened to the Silicon (pronounced "silicone," of course) Valley episode — the one with Kumail and Martin Starr — right before that, and Middleditch, sort of as an aside, drops the "4 words…4 Washington Lane!" line.


I hereby give the Bacon Council permission to use any of the following marketing slogans:

Stars were pretty obnoxious.

"To hhwhat are you referring?"

I was prepared to stop listening as soon as I got bored, but credit to Sean, I listened to the whole damn thing.

Great CBB last week, with Jason Mantzoukas and PFT, right up until they got bogged down with Atherton Witherflower's backstory. They tried so hard to connect him with Mike the Janitor that PFT didn't get to do much with the character after.

No mention so far of Joe Wengert's brilliant detour into the Arby's 'de-beefing' bit?

On a related note, my buddy was telling me this story of the first time he and his wife hung out with this other couple. They were hitting it off, and they didn't want the night to end, so he proposed they watch Raw.

"Siri, is that's rain?"

"Hayes, I hate to do this to you, but Frankingstein is the doctor. The monster is called 'Frankingstein's Monster."

I've seen most of the entries here, and not a single one of them scared me like that Garfield Halloween special.

Nothing in Bloodborne gave me any trouble, but the Ruin Sentinels in Dark Souls II was the hardest boss fight I've ever experienced. I was probably right around 50 tries for that.

I loved the Hypageon Gaol. You wake up, and what do you see? The townspeople, at varying levels of beasthood, laying in cages. This enemy that was so frightful early on is now just another prisoner, like you. God, it was unnerving.

I'm surprised the article didn't take it a step further and mention that, late in the game, the kidnappers themselves actually disappear without a trace. They're gone, every last one, likely overrun by the townspeople, who are even MORE unrecognizable — other than the occasional 3-piece suit or top hat.

Fair enough, I guess. I just don't think the ending pushed me one way or the other.

Oh man…that's some way-back stuff there. I was one of the posters who responded to your comment. Man, what a terrible account name I had back then.

Who gives a shit.

I get that that's what they were going for. They just never got there. Also, i find it hilarious that one can be "reborn" during such a horrifying incident. I'm sure she'll move on and have a good life, and not have nightmares about TWO terribly traumatizing experiences.