Man, "In the Line of Fire." That movie was a big deal back in the day, but I've seen hide nor hair of it in - what? - 20 years.
Man, "In the Line of Fire." That movie was a big deal back in the day, but I've seen hide nor hair of it in - what? - 20 years.
The crippled guy pointing what looked to be an unconventional plastic gun was definitely a nod to John Malkovich in "In the Line of Fire," right?
You won't regret it.
"Cody, was that what I think it was? I told you…next time you need to sneeze, call another engineer, wait until they get here, excuse yourself, get in the elevator, go downstairs, get in your car, and sneeze there."
As much as I appreciated the bit, it was about as hostile an introduction to the show I can imagine for new listeners. Very strange episode.
If we're talking about the moment that hooked us, it's gotta be the last 5 minutes of the first PFT appearance. Paul's voicemail message for the Pro Version buyer of the week kills me every time.
He looks naked. Like a turtle without a shell.
Yeah, I just listened. While I'm happy that Verbatin Vic is back, the episode itself was very odd. Maybe it's just because I'm in a bad mood, but I don't think the bit landed.
Yeah, it's probably pretty naive of me to think that these advertisers have no idea what they're getting into.
"I think Privlo's really gonna hate this, Verbatim Vic."
It's that new flavor of Dewritos, right?
The FFVI OST is a staple at the Pathfinder game I run.
Fat chicks.
Not you too, Lem…
Hey, the components aren't the issue (and I would definitely agree about the Jeff/Shirley dynamic — both the gossip episode from S1 and the foosball episode in S3 were great).
Say what you want about its rough patches — and "Paranormal Parentage" and "Heroic Origins" were rough — I agree that at its best, S4 was most like S1 and S2.
Seriously? A treasure?
Hey, there were some real bright spots in S4. "Herstory of Dance" is one of my favorite episodes from ANY season.
I enjoyed this episode, but that's not what this is about.
I know you have a weak stomach, so I'll spare you the details.