Moses Rodcancer

Also: Seeing as how I blew through ALL of Hollywood Handbook's back catalog in a matter of two weeks (I listened to it as I played Bloodborne, because Bloodborne is scary and HH is cool and funny and also smart and nice and not for sick freaks who like monsters), I started on Reality SHOW Show just to get my Sean and

Yeah, they really walked that fine line. The bit could've easily tipped into mean-spirited, but they kept it reined in just enough to make it hilarious.

*Points over there*

And funny and cool and smart.

Now isn't THAT something that is also true?

I'm always a little surprised when they mix in some insightful commentary, like their bit on how weirdly offensive it is when white artists like Macklemore and Lorde tell black people that their consumer culture is wrong and bad.

Also, Skellington's Kiss.

Easy now.

Goddamit, I'm actually starting to mix up singular and plural and say things like "hamburger sandwich" in real life now.

Yeah, that and Grand Budapest Hotel (which I really loved) didn't really have enough to "get" to put them on a list like this.

Do you guys like "Inside Llewyn Davis?" Does ANYONE really like it? I have yet to meet someone in person who does.

Xenogears seems to be coming up a lot, and I'm wondering if it was just a little too long. At any rate, it and DA:O are two of my all-time favorites, and I didn't fully complete either one.

Sometimes I don't finish games because I lose interest (DA:I, FFX, Demon's Souls), and sometimes I don't finish games because I can't bear to be done with that particular universe (Xenogears and DA:O - played all the way through both, twice, only to not beat the last bosses, FFVII).

Divinity was a slog. Don't get me wrong, it was a lot of fun and I really enjoyed it.

Confession time: my mental image of someone being "hoisted by his own petard" was exactly like Britta's (e.g. a fop in a white wig getting hoisted up a flagpole by the back of his pants).

I've been thinking about giving it a listen. I burned through all of HH in near record time, and I need that Sean and Hayes fix. Glad to hear it's good.

Question for you folks:

"I don't mind as long as whatever he's up to is funny."

Unless you are Weird Fucking Al go ahead and pick one or the other. Not both.

Wait. Laurel…Canyon…melodies?