Moses Rodcancer

"Dinner Party" is a baffling choice. Sure, I would've picked "Tracy Does Conan" for 30 Rock's entry, or "Good Grief" for AD's, but at least those are in the same ballpark. "Dinner Party," though? I hated it, and I honestly don't know a single person who enjoyed it. It was all of The Office's worst tendencies distilled

I find it far less cringe-inducing - and a lot funnier than - Dinner Party. Dinner Party is a strange choice. I don't recall many people liking that episode when it aired.

Yeah, there were plenty of classic Family Guy episodes to choose from back when the show was good. "Da Boom," "He's Too Sexy For His Fat," and many others are way better than anything Better Off Ted or Party Down ever did.

What stands out to me now all these years later is how weirded out I was by that episode. There was just something…unnerving…about it.

What?! Why now?

The equivocal approach is pretty silly here. Does anyone REALLY think that any episode of Better Off Ted - as good as it was - belongs on this list?

That would be my Friends pick too, without question. It's been many years since I've watched any of it, and that episode is the only one that really stands out.

It'll definitely be Tracy Does Conan, right? This site has a well-documented fascination with it — for good reason.

Tracy Does Conan is the fxking Citizen Kane of half-hour comedy.

Crash it, Troy!

What about Roadshow?

So I checked Wikipedia, and apparently he's only 51. He looks about right for his age NOW, but that doesn't explain how 28-year-old Michael Chiklis in S1 of The Commish managed to look like an old man. No no no…this is all wrong.

No, you're thinking of black Michael Chiklis. And while we're on Chik, how did he manage to look OLDER in The Commish than he did literally any time after?


Those moments when the performer SHOULD know something about the character they're playing but don't — I love those.

My heart! I'm gonna have a heart attack for sure!

Lots of former cast members that didn't really get a chance to leave their mark on the show have come alive post-SNL. Paul Brittain, Casey Wilson, Horatio, Tim Meadows (although these last two did make lasting impressions, they both showed surprising versatility elsewhere) — all thanks to podcasts.

I mean, it's definitely "Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go," isn't it?


Finished up "The Wolf Among Us." Blown away by the game. So much so that I spent a few hours on Steam looking for similar mystery/adventures. I eventually settled on "The Detail," but I'm open to suggestions if y'all have any.