I too loved "Pine Barrens" at first, but after a several years and a handful of re-watches, the episode that stands out to me is "Another Toothpick," which never seems to get much love.
I too loved "Pine Barrens" at first, but after a several years and a handful of re-watches, the episode that stands out to me is "Another Toothpick," which never seems to get much love.
I'll take it a step further and say that expecting reasonable behavior from the film industry - or anyone adjacent to the film industry - is fucking stupid. Of course Russell Crowe says some dumb shit on the reg. Of course 40-year-old actresses have no concept of who they can and can't play anymore. It's pop…
But this is all just a reflection of our collective stupidity anyways, isn't it? Isn't it just about demographics?
I've read through some of the comments here, and I'd like to preempt whatever argument folks are thinking about getting into by reminding everyone that middle-aged women are boring as shit. Middle-aged dudes though…now THOSE guys are cool.
On the one hand, I agree. On the other, the thing was nine hours long as it was.
Victor's muffled podcast was probably the hardest I laughed all year. Could definitely have been number one for me. Or Claudia O'Doherty and Nick Kroll, or Little Buttonpuss.
I like it a lot, and it bums me out that folks aren't enjoying it as much as I am. Public Domain, Betsy Show, Movers and Schaffer, and Skip Hardaway all had some solid laughs. Not to mention the ads or Help me Whonda, which are always hilarious.
Oh, secret-duck-guy! How could I forget?
She needs to do a character. I know she's good enough.
Yeah, almost everybody who deserved to be represented was…with the notable exception of Joe Wengert, who had at least two killer bits (Ruth's Ross Dress for Less, and the life coach guy — who, while I'm on the subject, made Scott laugh harder than almost anyone I can remember).
I'm surprised by how many people don't find it deserving of its spot on the list. I thought it was perfect the whole way through.
So good. I don't remember specifics, but she botched something or said something out of turn, and she went right to the chimes to cover for her gaff. That always stuck with me.
Remember Forsythia? She was hilarious, and I feel like that kind of character gets nixed at the expense of rehashing Listler again.
"Were you under the impression that his occupation was 'mall blart?'"
I really like Jessica St. Clair, and I've loved Wompler ever since she first sang a song from "South Pacific" to the bewilderment of Donald Glover ("WHERE ARE YOUR PARENTS?!")…but they really need to get past the back story. Yes, she's shaped like a triangle. We get it.
I too am happy about Andy Daly's triumph, but 2014 was the year of Lapkus, Gabrus, Gemberling and Wengert*, and I'm not sure the list really reflects how good they all were.
Leading the charge here are the laborious Wompler back-story segments, which are nearly interminable. I'd almost forgotten that the character's first appearance was 5 years ago on episode 60 (with Donald Glover), but it definitely explains why listening to her is starting to feel like a chore.
Ahh, I see. Well, I agree with your sentiments below — it's pretty easy to tell when he's not feeling it.
I remember way back when he was on with James Adomian (maybe Ice-ed T/Jesse Ventura?), and you could sense PFT's aggravation with the direction of some of the bits. That was years ago, and I don't think they've been on together since.
Yeah, that bummed me out a bit too. But we'll always have "Any smile that lasts longer than 1.5 seconds is a con man's ruse."