Moses Rodcancer

Why are people so offended by that notion? It's just a gut reaction people have - myself included - while listening to the two of them talk. It doesn't have to represent her sole motivation for doing the podcast, and it doesn't have to be some grand statement on how women are easily beguiled by a charming man.

Roll for zest!

Yeah, he's right there in the Pete Holmes wheelhouse. I love when they react boisterously to something, but it's…a bit…grating.

It does seem especially dead around here today. Maybe this is how they quietly kill it.

Holy shit, just got to that part. Love when something kills in the room like that.

This reminds me of an old episode where PFT was on with Ben Schwartz, and Benny calls him out for being on Wikipedia.

I'm partial to Matt Gourley's muffled snort.

If we're doing this, mine was the Aziz Ansari/Brendan Small/Hal Rudnick (who did a hilarious Stan Lee character…"STAN LEE DOES NOT PAY TO PARK AT THE FARMER'S MARKET") episode, which I was inspired to listen to following a Metalocalypse/Home Movies kick.

I've enjoyed all of them — especially the Betsy Sodaro episode. She had this very naive incredulity that worked perfectly for calling out Amanda on her nonsense. Y'all are crazy.

"Are you gonna poison my dad?"

Couldn't disagree more. There's a looseness to those first handful of episodes that really suits the brothers. Remember monthly public service announcements? Remember Griffin's guitar jingles (miss those like crazy, btw)? All that stuff took shape in those early episodes.

Start at the very beginning. The show builds on itself in such a way that it can be alienating to try and jump in at the halfway mark.

Survivor Series came up organically! Let's talk about it!

He's like a heel in wrestling. You're SUPPOSED to dislike him. It's when he's at his best. Seriously, nobody does subtly infuriating like Ed Helms.

Couldn't believe it. I've never seen anything like it.

I'm of the belief that sequels to major genre-defining games should receive two scores: one reviewing the actual game (in which DA2, despite its flaws, would still be somewhere around 80), and one reviewing its value as a sequel (of which DA2 would score 20/100 as far as I'm concerned).

So I just got to The Hinterlands, and…holy sh*t. There is a ridiculous amount of stuff to do. Like, almost too much. There are map markers for everything from camps and rifts to fertile ram-hunting grounds in literally every direction around me on the mini map. It's pretty daunting, I have to say.

Traditionally, the prepared bits have been killer. I wish they'd do 'em a little more. I know it's contrary to the spirit of the show, but comedy is comedy. And so far, iBrain is still the hardest I've ever laughed in my life.

All her episodes and all Joe Wengert's episodes deserve to be considered. Those two had killer years, and really helped revitalize the show (not that it desperately needed it).

Agreed, but I might strike/reverse your labels. Red Letter Christianity (literally pure "Jesusiness," to use your term) seems to value not being an intolerant piece of shit moreso than evangelicals, etc.