Moses Rodcancer

"Well, I'll tell you this, they DO have the Unsinkable Molly Brown House. It's not quite the same as the Anne Frank House, because she survived the boat. But, uh, but they've got the place frozen in time from the date that she didn't die on a boat."

Anything taboo…like the Pope's implication that Anne Frank was "exaggerating the scope of things"…seems to tickle him.

Seriously. PFT's first off-mic chuckle was at the seven-minute mark, and I don't think he went two minutes without doing it for the rest of the episode.

"His final death cry was laced with as many racial epithets as he could muster, because at that point, why not?"

Yeah, I was funnin' around. If I had to give a real answer, I'd have to say Fincher, but what WOULDN'T you want him for, right?

Is Howard Hawks still alive? I would just love to see a Howard Hawks M:I.

Yeah, it is pretty great. Not car-y enough, though.

Well, to be fair, I thought he was referring to Voight obliquely as the DM, as he did seem to engineer the whole situation.

See, I've always been more of a Chunnel man, m'self. But in the end, it's T vs. A, so everyone wins.

Wait, was that the implication? I thought those spikes were just there, and Voight knew that they would deploy.

I too am shocked. I thought most people agreed that 1 was the stone-cold classic, and the rest, if entertaining, were unessential.

Yes, French Connection, 1971. I probably should've specified that. Regarding Friedkin, I never knew that. I suppose it explains how precarious the whole thing feels.

I would consider Ronin's the last of the greats, yes.

Ghost Protocol was really disappointing. The action was right, but whatever 1 had that made it so intriguing, GP was totally devoid of. It even managed to make Simon Pegg look average.

Can we talk about how fucking crazy it is that a 43-year-old movie STILL, to this date, has the best car chase of all time? How is that possible? Cars were terrible in 1971.

To be fair, there aren't that many guest who seem to garner (what I consider to be overblown) reactions like Gilly and Jon Hamm, and the others I mentioned were examples found elsewhere in this thread of attractive comedians.

See my response to you below…I would offer up Jon Hamm as her male counterpart in this regard. Jon Hamm is cool, he's game for whatever, and his energy is right for the show. I just don't think he's that funny.

Girard, I like you, I've seen you around here for a long time, and I usually agree with you, but I think you're off here. I get that the opinion by TD and myself isn't popular around here, but it has nothing to do with sexism, and everything to do with attractiveness and fame. Everything I said about Gilly I would

It didn't seem to go over very well here, either.

Fair enough. I'd rather not find out if you're right, though.