Moses Rodcancer

For just sheer quantity of crazy shit spewed, Horatio Sans is in a class by himself. Love Shelly.

So are podcasts worth legitimately criticizing, or not? I do feel like a wet blanket being negative about free entertainment, but then again, some of the better podcasters have parlayed that free entertainment into actual, tangible career success.

Yeah, that was the worst. The only episode in some time I can actually remember being bad.

It was me not reading closely enough.

Wait, I thought I was providing the diversity of opinion here. I mean, it's well-documented the effect that attractiveness can have on perception. Not sure why you're so adamant that it can't happen to people here.

Yeah, I suppose you're right. It is free, and I enjoyed it.

You know what? Fuck it. I agree. She's not that funny. Maybe PFT and Choctaw dig a little deeper because they're in the same room as a beautiful woman, or maybe we're a little too easy on her because she's a beautiful woman…I don't know. But the charm is starting to wear off.

Besides being dead as hell, Huell could've worked. Maybe he was there covering California's Craziest Workouts, or something.

Yeah, there's something there, if Adomian would've bothered AT ALL to find it. Nope. Played it same-old, conspiracy theory nonsense and such.

I do generally like Jesse, but man, he was totally out of place, and took the show right off the rails. Very disappointing.

I'm loving the hell out of The Andy Daly Podcast Pilot Project, and I liked most of the recent episode, but seriously, what the hell was Jesse Ventura doing there? C'mon, Adomian, you can do better. Invent a new character - one who presumably has a reason to be there. The whole thing just sort of stalled out when Andy

God, I hope not. It's interesting what he's doing, but I think Jeopardy should be, first and foremost, a pleasant trivia experience. I don't enjoy watching Chu play, and by the sound of it, not many other people do either. Jeopardy knows this, and I sincerely hope they do whatever they can do discourage the style, as

It's funny, I never really thought about WHY I enjoyed Jeopardy until Chu. I remember during his first episode thinking to myself "Why the fuck do I hate this right now?" And it occurred to me that it's because of his very disorienting style. If we're being honest, I do hope they find a way to get rid of him before

Well, I visit AV Club frequently, so I'm not going out of my way to complain about something I wouldn't otherwise, and it doesn't affect my life in any way whatsoever, but I will say that his style does make the show really taxing to watch, and goddammit, I want a pleasant trivia experience.

"We also don't have any c'caine."

Guys, guys…can't we at least agree that he sucks simply because he isn't funny?

That all makes sense, but readership has dropped significantly (we used to push 200 comments in prime-time…now we get closer to 100), and they've done little to try and help the feature.

I haven't yet listened to Marky Mark's second appearance, but the audience didn't seem too into the whole thing the first time around. I found myself laughing a lot more than they were. Which is weird, because some of his lines were spectacular. ("You know what I watched recently? Fuckin' 'The Depahted'. Great movie")

They know all this. They could very easily do it. The fact that they don't - along with the move to Monday and the 5 weeks off they took over December and January - tells me they don't really give a shit about Podmass. If there were anywhere else to go to talk about podcasts with intelligent folks like the people

OK, so lunch we do something cool, like cigarette, 2-3 bottle red wine, and then like a bowl of heavy cream…