Moses Rodcancer

I want desperately to know what else was on that list. I hope it's included in the DVD extras, or whatever.

This bit's going places.

I agree that it's more fun to watch Boyle walk the line between lovable and pathetic, but the episode overall was great. Solid goofs all the way through.

They've set up a nice, slow burn, I think.

While we're on it, I got quite a laugh out of Peralta's "She's got tenure, and also ten years…times two…older than him" line, which no one has mentioned yet.

The extra beat was perfect.

Wow, color me impressed if they snuck a food pun in there on purpose (for a foodie, no less).

The line was great, but the reaction shot of Diaz laughing at her own joke was even better.

Thank you for your honesty.

Agreed. It's the mark of a good show to not waste any opportunities, and B99 got everything it could out of Holt's speech, the Peralta/Boyle taxi sting ("We're both Carries!"), etc.

So happy for Boyle. He finally corrected the barista when she called him Charlize!

Oh man, that whole exchange was golden. Changed my whole perception of Choctaw. He was always a great facilitator of comedy, but it wasn't until that moment that I realized how much more he contributes to the actual comedy of the show NOW than he used to.

I always felt like it had more to do with moving to Mondays…which, honestly, why? And didn't anyone notice that the comment section shrunk considerably immediately after? It's almost like they WANT it to die.

Man, those were the days. Fridays, to be specific.

Yeah, it doesn't seem like AV Club's too concerned about stopping this feature from dying on the vine. I THOUGHT that this was the foremost podcast review/discussion forum on the internet, and maybe it is, but they sure don't seem to value it highly.

I love it always, but it's especially endearing and hilarious when it's in response to something borderline-racist.

Griffin's description of 8th-graders as "j!zz slugs in JNCO Jeans" made me laugh so hard that my cubicle neighbors came over and demanded an explanation.

Some of the funniest shit I've ever heard…AND, if this first episode is any indication, he'll be drawing from the same talent pool as I4H (Betsy Sodaro and Sean Conroy are both what I would consider regulars), so we can look forward to THAT, too.

Oh, man…I heard those background guffaws, and I knew it was going to be special.

I hope it's based on Madrishka!