
That sequence was slow for you? Good lord lol. Wolfenstein 2 definitely had its points where I would get frustrated but it was still a fricking wonderful game. 

Well said. Pirating just makes you look like a POS thief and gives companies like EA ammunition to justify a lack of development and resources devoted towards PC. 

Nah you’re not alone on the native controller support. It’s why I never finished  ME3. I had stopped playing and when I wanted to go back I had removed my PC desk in favour of an HTPC layout and prefer to use a controller whenever I can (depending on the game).

It’s feature set is second to none whether it be the multitude of chat options, big picture mode, VR home, in-home streaming, account sharing, etc. None of the other storefronts offer anything NEAR as feature rich. Tack onto that the goodwill that Steam built for years with its ridiculously amazing sales (sadly these

Yes indeed! Mine has Nes, SNES, Genesis, GBA, and GBC games on it. I usually pack it with me when going for hang outs or to bring to hotels if I’m going on a trip. Perfect little retro machine. 

Winwaker HD and Pikim is all I want!!!

I had never even heard of Plague Tale before it dropped on Game Pass but man I watched the trailer and immediately started downloading. Can’t wait to play it. 

Nice! Love my hacked SNES Classic. My buddy and I just beat Streets of Rage a couple weekends back and started plugging away at runs of Streets of Rage 2. 

Man Last of Us is going to be an absolute treat for you. I’m honestly kinda jealous that you get to experience it for the first time haha

They’re a blast to toy around with. I particularly enjoyed the ones in Uncharted 4, Lost Legacy and Horizon Zero Dawn. Have some great wallpapers from them.

One, I have a life outside of hanging out on gaming articles so sometimes that are long stretches of time between when I get around to checking notifications.

Whitesplain? Seriously?

Lmao I’m in the same boat dude. PLayed lots but never actually beaten it. 

As someone that has been gaming on PC, the dude has a point. Yes some games play with no issues but problems crop up fairly often. There’s not much that can really be done about it given the vast amount of hardware configurations. The strangest one I had was Spec ops The Line, constant CTD’s when playing after maybe 5

No, it’s you taking what someone is saying as sounding like a snob when that may not be the case (assuming you’re inferring that I was intentionally being snobbish which was not the case). You can absolutely be offended by something, but that doesn’t mean the world has to change to your tastes. 

Pretty decent assessment of the Vita. Absolutely BEAUTIFUL piece of tech (stupid touch sensitive backing aside) that has seriously atrocious support. I still have and love mine but it makes me sad to see the way it was shafted by Sony. 

Just protein bars, vitamins, and health supplements in mine along with the odd unhealthy snack every once in a while. My body won’t let me cheat much before packing on the pounds so I have to be careful what I keep around me. 

Or mice....

All that is understandable. I specifically stayed away from Horizon after I beat BOTW because I knew I was going to have some open-world fatigue. I’m very much platform agnostic (own all 3 plus PC) but my favourite genre for years has been action-adventure games and Sony’s exclusives just speak to me soooo much.

It’s text. It doesn’t have a connotation unless you’re giving one to it yourself. Unless it does something like Wolfenstein with having a picture of a kid or something like that you’re doing all of the inferring based on your own insecurities.