
Hide all other comments, this is the only one we need. Thank you.

Given the premise that hockey is the most difficult sport to play, is the best defense of this notion the fact that it is the only sport that Air Bud was unable to master?

Would Hockey be more popular if they took on more of a football type schedule? One game a week for each team, predominantly on one day of the week, with a couple greed games in primetime on other days? With one game a week you could cut the active roster down (say 17 counting both goalies) and the best players would

I posed a similar cell phone battery question to a friend the other day...

You know that Hitler wasn’t such a bad dude,

Ha, Mine:

What is the statistical probability that FiveThrityEight makes it past 11/9/2016? Can you please show me using some neat graphs?

Are we really supposed to believe Noah built the Ark........

Commas, like God, are unnecessary.

Yea, he’ll probably stay on the bench unless it’s a blowout.

We’re Number Nub! We’re Number Nub!

Is a stadium a sandwich?

It’s the Bush Family League (or Family Bush League, Ha).

Fantasy Celebrity Softball First Overall Pick!

Frozen Coke is not an Icee flavor, it’s a Frozen Coke that is distributed by an Icee machine.

Probably too busy practicing his lightsaber moves in the garage.