
That website you linked is amazing.

Ethics in gaming journalism.

Funny thing about the examples you mentioned. Half of them turned out to be false and manufactured by the person themselves, but are still held up as truth.

Whatever feminism used to be in the 1st and 2nd waves, its now a hate-group. Feminists have been getting people fired for thought-crimes for the past 30 years, no amount of denial will erase that.

Feminism has been doing what happened to Alison Rapp to both men and women for the past few decades. Feminists set the precedent for getting people fired over thought-crimes.

Let’s see, shall we?

lol this is fucking gold. kotaku is so full of shit. journalists my ass. this is a tabloid article

The prime targets are all women? Explain how KiA went after Gawker (Nick Denton), Polygon (Ben Kuchera/Arthur Gies), Kotaku (Patrick Klepek and several other writers)?

Frankly, I know this is not gonna be popular, but i don’t care. If she is a feminist, she has no place in the game industry or leave it at the door as far i’m concerned. How do i know that products that I buy from Nintendo will not have any form of her political ideology in-bedded in their games, I don’t wanna hear of

Well said, though I would take Anita Sarkeesian off that list. She went out and tried to pick fight for her own publicity/fame and it backlashed against her.

Could of been all those tweets where she was being a complete jerk to customers while boasting she was a Nintendo employee. Let alone the more uh.. questionable tweets of hers.

One more for the good guys.

Censorship and partial break of video game authenticity by removing so called “triggering” elements from videogames.