
Ethics in gaming journalism.

Rev up those ethics, Patty.


Ethics in gaming journalism.

Ethics in gaming journalism.

I’m enjoying this very much, yes.

Thanks for all the replies, bro.

Pop a Klonopin and take a breath, cupcake.

I’m not worried about pulling the “light” off of GG. I knew what I signed up for when I got involved. What I’m interested in is cleaning the shit out of my hobby, and that includes Kotaku. Enjoy.

I dunno, ask Reddit where you can find any number of boards where racism, sexism and pedophelia can be found.

Ethics in gaming journalism.

Get used to seeing it. I’m going to post this on every article Kotaku posts to draw attention to it. Probably for the rest of the weekend.

It really is. It’s a labor of love by one person in particular and the fruits of untold amounts of research and digging by GG as a whole into the connections and fuck ups of countless journos. It is about to be greatly expanded very soon to cover mainstream journalism as well.

You’re thinking of Nathan Grayson. He’s the one that bones his sources.

Ethics in gaming journalism.

Apparently some rather cool folks are as disgusted with Kotaku’s shitty “journalism” and it’s effects as I am.

Klickbait Klepek was chomping at the bit to blame GG for harassment that for the most part didn’t even happen. The only “harassment” she got was from people upset at FE that she started shitting on, unprovoked, who then threw shit back at her. He then took to twitter to go off on another blame rant, and his shoddy

Ethics in gaming journalism.

Do you even know what a meme is? Or how to type into an address bar? It’s an image, son. You can’t click the links. If you’re too lazy to type them in, then I guess you can just take their word for it like you all did when Klickbait Klepek ran his article.

Ethics in gaming journalism.