
The problem is that Sarkie isn’t really relevant in any context, so when would be a good time to bring it up? Luckily for us, Kotaku has about as much relevance to gaming as she does, so what better than an irrelevant article to mention it?

So is Kotaku going to cover Anita Sarkeesian’s new crowdfunding campaign? After she stuck a fork in her Tropes series, she decided she needs $200k for a new series. She’s also using a new service this time, as Kickstarter apparently makes you refund the money now if you don’t deliver.

You know, in one regard, you are right. Their personal business isn’t our issue, though he is certainly right to talk about what she did to him *if that is what he wants to do.* Let’s not forget here the thing you guys love to gloss over, she fuckin’ abused the guy. Any hundred number of times, you people have lauded

Wow, imagine that. He targeted the person that abused and sexually assaulted him, and a swath of people read what she did and called her a shitbag. I can’t believe that happened. And btw, writing off screencapped proof as fake with no support for said claim is not a defense.

Then don’t get pissy when someone like Eron Gjoni posts private conversations that show abuse and infidelity involving members of the press and indie dev scene.

Assuming he was referring to this article, the author, Patrick Klepek, is currently being accused of quoting responses he obtained from Jamie Walton through private emails despite the fact that she did not give him permission to do so.

You’ve missed the point of my argument.

Worst I’ve done is call Patrick Klepek “shady” and “scummy” in this thread, friend, and I did so because of actions he took.

I’m not pro harassment at all. Sadly, I’ve seen it come from both sides, GG and anti, and GGs viewpoints align similarly with mine (anti censoring, journo ethics, and a great dislike for regressive social justice), so that’s where I’ve thrown my lot in.

Sorry to hear if any GGers harassed you man. But I gotta point out, blaming me for their harassment is basically the same as blaming some random Muslim for ISIS.

Love you too, brother. It’s sad you’re this hostile instead of just having a good conversation.

I mean, I won’t hide that I’m part of GG, and I do think that parts of GG have done shitty things. But I feel as though the media is overwhelmingly for social justice, and so the shitty things they do (i.e. Tim Hunt) are given free passes. It feels like they paint it as a black and white issue, the evil harassing

That’s because the article is more concerned with smearing Gamergate than reporting the facts correctly. Aside from representing Rapp as being in any way related to localization concerns other than by company association, it also vastly oversimplifies the issues gamers have with recent Nintendo localization efforts.

Yep, I agree. Which is why I think that about Social Justice, with regards to Sir Tim Hunt, or hell, anyone who’s been let go or forced to resign from colleges due to dealing with this crap. Like at Mizzou, or that couple from Yale.

I never got the “smokescreen” argument. How does the existence of a bunch of people demanding better journalistic disclosures make personal threats harder to detect? There’s nothing stopping Quinn from sharing any one of the hundreds of threats sent to her inbox. Except she will block you if you ask to see her

Yeah, no shit. That’s a dynamic of the internet that we haven’t figured out yet. And when the whole pedo thing came out, it was blood in the water.

Except there’s no actual proof of a massive campaign of GG harassment, even as reported by Women In Action media. 1% of GG twitter accounts are actual harassers.

I agree. Social Justice is probably one of the worst cancers you can think of. It’s gonna take some work to get it’s influence out of gaming.

Fringe movement with 58K subscribers on Reddit, baby.

No, she’s catching shit because she was really vicious toward some of the people who were mad about the censorship. They weren’t mad at her, they were mad that something they were passionate about was being censored. She came in and started being a real dick to fans of her company, and then the internet reacted with