
So don’t buy games with white guys in them. What’s the problem? I’d like to be able to walk onto a college campus without being accosted by angry black kids, but we can’t get everything we want.

We could use an article on the top 10 brooding white “journalists”.

Mad as fuck.

As a white guy that gets around with the Asian chicks, I wanna thank you. She’s gonna be *primo* by the time I get around to her.

LOL, if only I had a dollar for every chick I’ve bedded down who hated my politics... the easiest way to get a girl to sleep with you is to make them mad, I’ve found.

Clearly the oscars are racist against non humans. #oscarssohuman

Not bad, for a weepy rape fantasy.

I wonder how long it is before “black people” shit on him for not giving over to the “everything is racist” crowd.

If you’re being paid 40% less than your male colleagues, then that is either illegal or you are working shorter hours and taking more time off. Those are the 2 biggest contributors to the “wage” gap.

You mean, the same thing you’re doing? You have no basis for the belief of preferential treatment. You know, in a contest for girls, which would be expected to favor them.

How about you don’t kid YOURself. Because it sounds like you’re all just pissed off that a boy came in and beat all the girls

The kid won the contest, though. Ergo, he was more deserving.

Do guys regularly outperform you in your field?

>Dismisses the gender gap in education

Didn’t you used to draw porn of real women you knew in college and share it online?

That’s about the only way to put an end to these fiascos. Either bring these whiny children to heel or lose your funding.

How’s that for white privilege, bitch?

I don’t think Miss Sarkeesian would agree with such objectification.

Yeah, imagine that. People being pissed about being sold an incomplete game.

There was no gay conversion scene.