What you should have expected was pissy “womyn” swatting at the bee hive and then crying when they get stung.
Sorry, only the Anita version that fakes police reports are available.
Boy I wonder if they’ll have a Zoe Quinn sleep with your bosses for exposure type deal.
*reads all this derisive snark slung at YouTubers for ‘shilling’ on a page lathered up with The Last Witch Hunter advertising*
You realize that this was in reply to you saying “You need to learn what words mean.”, right?
People keep turning this into a semantic debate when it comes up and it’s utterly uninteresting. The point is not “what does censorship mean”, it’s: these content creators are having their vision modified. Be it for good or bad, I’d prefer to see the original vision myself and make a decision if it’s sexist, racist,…
No... Localisation for example chainging a certain type of food to make it more popular with Kids living in this country. Removing content is and always will be self censorship. Be it due to pressure of a group, the Government or what ever. Removing content because of reasons to offend people, not getting a rating you…
He’s quitting social media because of his terminal cancer. That’s fair. But he’s also using his farewell message to take potshots at critics of his behaviorby saying it’s made his life miserable.
It’s literally a problem that exists solely so that people online can circlejerk each other whilst accomplishing fuck all. It’s nothing but hate posts and threats from everybody involved. And all of it is unnecessary. One man is dying and attempts to cut out because he sees how petty it all is. You then take the…
Let’s be fair. He never uttered threats or made sexual comments. He acted like an asshole which is not a crime. Now these women’s fear may have been genuine I have no doubt, but it was based on paranoia. It’s not reasonable to jump to the conclusion that this guy or any white male with a conservative viewpoint who…
Did you read the case at all? I see a lot of outrage in this thread and not a lot of factual information about the case. The reporting by Jezebel is, of course, also pretty biased. This idea that he was “stalking” them I see in the comments is insane - he mentioned a bar that the girls were at because they geotagged…
Thank you for being the voice of reason. Here was an excerpt that stands out
One doesn’t have to be an MRA to be terrified of a society where there is a low bar to be charged with an online crime such as this.
That hurt my feelings. You’ll be hearing from my lawyers soon.
Yup. I always ask which tweet from Elliott people take issue with, and it turns out they've never read a single one. They can't even quote any of the exchanges.
Why didn’t you mention the fact that Elliott was also targeted by the feminists? They ran accusations saying the man was a pedophile, when the “13 year old” abused girl was in reality 18 - 19 years old. And she wasn’t abused at all.
he was found innocent, Stephanie Guthrie was spouting a bunch of BS. you want the guy to be punished even though there was no evidence of any illegal acts on the man’s part. You’re a piece of shit.