
It’s actually even stupider once you read the straight translation. The girl wasn’t even gay in the first place, she was just an unrepentant verbal sexual offender (read: skinshipofiliac) targeting women, and the drug was an intervention, and one she AGREED to, not an under the table roofie. That this only switches

MY issue here isn’t for or against the topic of bigotry on the internet. It’s a topic of people turning something as meant as a playful joke (similar to y’know all the Love Potions and Cupid Arrows featured in 20th century movies and cartoons.)and flipping it upside down and correlating it to a topic of greater public

Here’s a quote that sums up the argument of the Hypocrisy of the PC movement that I’m against and referring to here:

“The hypocrisy of the PC movement is that it is quite selective. It narrows in on the smallest infraction, especially if the violators are in the public view, but leaves the daily common use of

And I think you’re someone who would get offended by episodes of Looney Tunes where Cupid “drugs” people by hitting them in the heart with an arrow altering the chemicals in their brain to produce dopamine and endorphins to produce a feeling called “love” against their consent.

It’s intended to be taken as a minor joke