And that slut JLaw shouldn’t have let people snap pics of her asshole. What a whore.
And that slut JLaw shouldn’t have let people snap pics of her asshole. What a whore.
Why did Jlaw let someone take pics of her asshole? What a slut.
That’s around average. If you really want honesty from women, you might feel a bit bad, though.
Jennifer Lawrence should have held a conference to talk about how sexy her asshole is.
Take that up with the courts, not the fathers being denied their rights. Also, this doesn’t just apply to custodial parents, but also teachers and the like. Have you not noticed the massive amount of female teachers raping students in the news lately? Or rather, teachers “having sex with underage students” as it is…
I guess now would be a good chance to talk about toxic femininity, considering that the majority of child abuse comes from women.
I like how when a guy shoots up a place, people rage over the issue of mental illness being brought up and insist that TOXIC MASCULINITY must be the problem. But when a woman does something vile, then obviously it must be mental illness.
I like how when a guy shoots up a place, people rage over the issue of mental illness being brought up and insist that TOXIC MASCULINITY must be the problem. But when a woman does something vile, then obviously it must be mental illness.
I like how when a guy shoots up a place, people rage over the issue of mental illness being brought up and insist that TOXIC MASCULINITY must be the problem. But when a woman does something vile, then obviously it must be mental illness.
I like how when a guy shoots up a place, people rage over the issue of mental illness being brought up and insist that TOXIC MASCULINITY must be the problem. But when a woman does something vile, then obviously it must be mental illness.
He forgot to disclose that he was involved in the writing of this book as well.
That’s ironic, coming from a Kotaku editor. Especially one that has made so many gaffs as you have. “Preteen boys” anyone?
The irony of a feminist comparing someone else to a Nazi is not lost on me.
Since the gender of the victim was not mentioned, we can assume the victim was male.
Are you a date rapist too?
Are you high? One sided violence is violence in which one party attacks the other, and the other does not fight back. A category that women dominate pretty clearly. Hell, you can probably think of plenty of times that a woman has hit a man in public and no one, not even the victim, did anything to stop it.
That doesn’t say anything about one sided violence, which doesn’t surprise me. These things are often framed to be as pro women as possible.
Just walk on top of them. I did that at some feminist protest at my college once, they got super pissed.
Because men are in fact the real victims of DV. One sided DV is around 70% female on male, and the only area that women victims dominate is in severity, or in mutually combative situations thanks to VAWA and the Duluth Model making the cops only arrest the man in such instances.
So if we are discussing data, you might be interested in knowing that the majority of one sided domestic violence is female on male. Upwards of 70%, IIRC.