
And your intentional or otherwise misreading of what the issues are is part of what makes feminist a part of the problem. Here’s a hint, entitlement is an idea cooked up by ideology to handwave the issue into how it is actually an issue for women. Insulting at the least, and as you are starting to learn, fatal at the

Truth is the ultimate defense, and the facts are that a majority of violent offenders do come from single parent homes. Now, correlation does not necessarily imply causation, but thems the facts, bruh.

Or female privilege. The greatest trump card the West has to offer.

I’m not sure where bigotry comes into play in believing that having a penis makes one a male. What with biology and all that. As long as they aren’t being treated differently on that basis, it isn’t bigotry.

He is wrong about abortion, but the common thread among shooters, aside from being bullying victims, is that they do come from single mother homes.

Funny, Reddit, Tumblr, FunnyJunk, Facebook and The Good Man Project say the same about Jezebel. Seems like you’re a bit outnumbered.

I’m neither white nor male. Looks like your aim is as accurate as it was with the Oregon Shooter.

No, the common thread here is that most shooters have been bullied and/or kicked around by society. And feminism has a part to bear in this. It is time that we stopped and took a step back to examine how we talk about men, boys and masculinity in our society, because clearly pushing people until they snap is only

Then I don’t know who you are talking about. Demmian runs the main feminism board, and twoxchromosomes thinks Jez is a joke too, and FeMRAdebates agrees that Jez is a mark on feminism too.

Oh good lord. You nutjobs think everyone is an MRA. Is that one of your triggers? You’re referring to Demmian, who bans anything even tangentially related to men’s issues on his subs.

I know right? An open platform for discussion that attracts a diverse crowd vs a site that celebrates women who beat up their boyfriends. Clearly you guys are the face of feminism, thanks for clearing that up.

Jez is pretty low hanging fruit in general. Ask any of the feminist subreddits and they will say that you guys aren’t feminist in the least.

I’m not actually backing him. I’m just amused that the #notallmen fans are getting that turned back around on them. Sweet, sweet turnabout.

He was suspended because he was a boy first and foremost, it happens all the time. I’m sure his race didn’t help, however.

Boys of any color have been suspended for endless shit in the name of “zero tolerance.”

If Jezzies had any sense of logic or history, it wouldn’t be so easy to poke holes in them, would it?



If you are referring to Ray Rice, he got kicked out of his team in addition to legal charges. Not to mention there is a self defense claim to be made.

Hey, They are the ones that escalated things to the global stage. You can’t ignore it now even if you wanted to.