
If Ziff Davis gets them, Jason, Nathan and Patrick are most certainly gone.

Or maybe he just dislikes man hating shrews, as most people do.

Fun fact, we ay be renaming the sub to r/kotakuoutofaction

If Ziff Davis gets ahold of you, a bunch of you are getting the boot for sure. You, Grayson and Klepek among them.

Obviously sexism is the reason. Someone should write 20 blog posts about these sexists.

Citations? Preferably not an op ed fro Kotaku without citations of its own.

I’d be interested in seeing proof of some sort.


Eh. I’m voting Trump because I’m sick to the back teeth of being accused of things by nature of my gender and race, having any and all issues not only dismissed but mocked, and the endless double standards by those who purport to be about “equality.”


You just summed up why I’m voting Trump. Have a star.

If the case is that she’s lying then the primary victim of abuse in the case is Depp. Other DV victims are secondary to that.

What does being middle class, white, or male have to do with hating women? Seems like an odd disclaimer to make.

Do you have a citation for the abuse mostly being from white males?

Do you have any examples of GG threats? Screencaps, archives, anything? Also, what does GG have to do with this?

What stopped me from giving a dime to this movie are all the paid off bloggers falling over themselves to call people sexist for not wanting to see it. This was cemented when they targeted James Rolfe who said nothing at all about women.

Never been divorced before have you? This is divorce 101.

God forbid men talk about sexism they deal with. No wonder less than 1 out of 5 people identify as feminists anymore, with that number steadily dropping.

Dems didn’t just let it happen, they made it happen. When you let identity politics run the show and vilify anyone without your genetalia and skin pigmentation, this is what comes about. People get sick of it and strike back.

Hahaha, no. Regressive leftists made this bed. We have reached the breaking point where normal people are fed up with being labeled sexist, or racist, or whatever -ist. They are fed up with double standards and hypocrisy as you all indulge in your hatred while attempting to absolve yourselves via made up