
Women = toddlers. And MRAs are the ignorant ones? Christ almighty. You’re being given data and the best you can do is compare women to children. Good thing I support spanking both of them.

Someone else just gave you a citation, and the Jez article mocking male victims cites women as being the majority of aggressors.

You’re aware that stats put women as the most common abusers in relationships, right? So if we’re talking reparations, I’ve got some pimp slapping to do.

Nearly glossed over the fact that he almost single handedly popularized male genital mutilation in the west, and that it is still common practice to this day. Kind of important, yeah?

Most people in favor of equality oppose feminism. It’s kinda mandatory.

Wouldn’t be the first time I’ve fucked one of your girlfriends. Hell, word through the grapevine is that one of you out there might be raising my child.

Hey, I’m all about easy pussy. If he’s a good little cuck, I’ll let him clean up my seed.

What’s your girlfriend’s number?

The media had their chance to nip this in the bud, but now we’re here for the long haul. Suck it up snowflake.

Jason doesn’t want you looking into it because he is heavily involved in the corruption that caused it. Google “jason schreier deepfreeze”

Not yet, unfortunately. Gotta wait for the Hogan payout for that.

We aren’t done investigating the issue yet, but Rowan Kaiser has been involved in enough shady shit to make a real journalist suspicious. Totalbiscuit is a harasser? Fuck off. If we left the issue up to you corrupt retards nothing would ever come to light.